Hard to do
One of the most difficult things to do is to forgive someone who has done you wrong, without avenging yourself. It may be hard but it is important to do. Remember our daily prayer: “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.” Who are we not to forgive when we want to be forgiven? No matter how great the deed is we have to forgive, as much for ourselves as for anybody else. This will allow us to heal. It may take time, but have faith that God’s time is the best. Only He can give the best revenge.
After forgiving we have to forget. We need to stop wishing bad things upon those who have done wrong by us. We need to learn to accept the situation as it is, talk to them, and help them if they need a helping hand. Their conscience will work.
Imagine that you had to forgive your child’s killer, to help them to be a better person than they were before, or simply to treat them like an ordinary person. How would that make them feel? They will have a need to be better. They will wish to do well. They will be remorseful and they will feel sorry. My plea to you is to learn to forgive and forget.
Heart and soul
After forgiving and forgetting, you will be healed. Your soul and heart will be in a good state. You will start focusing on your life and on how you can make yourself better, instead of staying up all night thinking of what you could have done instead, or of what you could do to your wrong doer. Peace and harmony is what we pray for. Peace and harmony is what we should preach. Peace and harmony is what we should live. This world needs nothing but peace, and peace starts within your heart. Your heart needs a happy soul and all of that is possible through prayer – the same prayer that talks about forgiveness.
We wish to have laughter and smiles. We envy happiness. Our everyday life is a prayer for peace. Our greatest desire, our most amazing fantasy, is to have the days of our lives filled with joy.
Where do we begin to find such a thing in this world? Within our souls we search until we feel we have made the right choice, to choose the only true way and life.
This can all only be achieved if we stop living in the past, forget all the bad that happened, ask for a helping hand when needed and live to love.
We all have transgressions, but it is only a forgiving heart that knows true happiness. The forgetting soul knows peace.
The memories make you. The teardrop represents letting go. The smile shows how strong you are. Walking with your head held up high defines you, no matter what may have occurred. Happiness equates to love. Love brings a happy soul. A happy soul comes from forgiveness. Doing the right thing is never easy, but living the right way is the sweetest thing.
How to deal with a problem
As we walk through this journey of life, we won’t be sailing on a smooth ship. There will be waves here and there, and often there will be big ones. How you surf will make you stand out.
Once I was sitting in a class, in the days when I thought that God had turned his back on me. It was as if my teacher could see that I was carrying a heavy burden. She asked the class: “Have you guys ever heard the sound of a piano? It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
We all agreed that it was.
“That is how I define life,” she said. We were all surprised by this statement, until she elaborated further: “Life has its ups and downs. It’s the same thing when you play the piano: your fingers move up and down, and in order to create the perfect rhythm you have to hit both the black and white buttons.”
My teacher was trying to tell us that in order for you to live, you have to face both good and bad. After all, you will never get to know the sweetness of life without facing its hardships.
We all have different views on things. How you deal with a certain situation defines you. Dealing with things on an impulse is not advisable. You will make a decision that you will later regret. Rather take your time to think. Ask yourself some of these questions:
Is this what I want?
How will this make me feel?
How will it affect me in the future?
Is it worth it?
Will I be fair?
After taking these questions into consideration, you will know what is best. After all, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Giving up
“You will never know how far you were when you gave up.”
In life, we all come across moments when we think of giving up. Try to think of the force that drove you to where you are. You will find your way out by remembering your way in. Learn to accept the situation. Tell yourself that giving up is no option. It is likely that there is still a chance to turn your life back to the way you want it to be. Kneel down and pray.
God has a way of answering our prayers. It may be through someone or something, but eventually we will be answered. The weight on our shoulders will be removed. He will give us strength. We only need to believe and to have faith.
God will never give you a battle that you can’t overcome. The life we are living now is a choice, not a coincidence. We are all made out to be perfect, but your life is perfect the way it is. We’ve all had it hard, and we are still yet to encounter other challenges.
Believe in God, in yourself and in what you do. Know that some day, one day, things will be different and things will change. We were never born to suffer but to rise. Your time too is yet to come. Have faith in the word, and know that everything happens for a reason.
Nobody is perfect, but we can live a perfect life in our own perfect perspective. God has made you in his image, has given you power above all other creatures in the world, and has given you wisdom. You can reach your dreams. Know that you are truly favoured and loved. We have all been in a tunnel, and we are yet to be in another. We can all sing our songs but at the end of the day, the fact remains that we all have problems. We all think that what we are facing is greater than what others are going through. We have the tendency to think that some people’s problems are nothing compared to ours. But the mere fact that you will conquer and still be alive to testify shows us that our obstacles are equal. Through Christ, we will manage to defeat our obstacles.
Having a clear understanding of what you want makes life easier. You will never go astray because you know what it is that has to be done.
“And my prayer is that you may be increased more and more in knowledge and experience. So that you may give your approval to the best things; that you may be true and without wrongdoing till the day of Christ.” (Philippians 01:09-10)
It is said that life is for the strong. I disagree. Life is for those who have faith and are strong in prayer. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the sign that the things not seen are true.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Forgiving is hard, but it is the most important thing to do. It is the most essential thing to do, the most important gift that you can give to yourself. Even if it may be hard, find time to forgive. “Do not make attempts to get equal with one who has done you wrong, or keep hard feelings against the children of your people, but have love for your neighbour as for yourself: I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:18) At the end of the day, it’s not the years in your life that count, but the life in your years. That is why there was creation in the first place, so that we may live.
“For to me life is Christ and death is profit.” (Philippians 01:21)
Tell us what you think: Do you find it hard to forgive?