We all have dreams and desires. I’ve always been told to be realistic when setting my goals. Who said that dreaming big would kill anyone? I have often asked myself this question.
Setting goals for yourself gives you a direction and tells you how to do things. When you have a goal in mind, you have a picture of how your life will be, how your life will change. Before even taking action you already have an idea. You begin with an end goal in mind.
This alone will give you all the drive you need, because you have already set out what is important to you.
Why do we have to carry on?
We all, in some way, want to know how it will end. Will we achieve our goals? We value life.
There are moments when we feel like giving up will be the best option. When we feel like there is no use, but that little bird inside of you won’t let you.
We ask ourselves: why should we carry on? When life is this unfair, why should I keep moving?
The answer is simple: because you still have breath. That alone should serve as a sign to not give up in life, and to have faith that one day you will make it. Trust in the Lord, pray.
I have also been tired and desperate. I know that I will feel like that again some day, because we will always encounter obstacles. The time will come again when I will wish to die and for my soul to be at peace, but I will make it. Life can sometimes be like mathematics, trying to solve x and y. Sometimes life feels like a balance sheet.
We have to master the art of balancing our lives. Who you surround yourself with determines who you are. The company you keep also shows you what may come around in your life. Balance the company you keep. Know that family is important and put God first in everything you do.
Keep carrying on, because you have the strength and ability to.
When you set your mind towards something, you invest time in achieving it and you know that it will somehow change lives.
Inner self
We all want to make those around us feel proud, but what is even more important is to feel proud of yourself.
It all starts inside. We need to have that internal drive that will move us, that will give us direction.
Once you can proudly pat yourself on the shoulder, and say I am the wo/man, know that you love what you do. Remember that you began with an end goal in mind when you were trying to find your purpose. As soon as you feel like you are acting positively towards yourself and others, you will realise that you are serving your purpose because you are touching other people’s lives.
You will be able to do anything you set your mind to, because of your confidence and self love. But there will be challenges.
Once we are done with a step, we never wish to go back.
Unforeseen circumstances will cause you to take a step back and analyse what you have been doing. This will make you see where to change. What needs to be done differently? How should it be done? Where could you improve?
It is a challenge to start, but we need to deal with a problem from its core. The current situation you are facing does not mean that you are finished. You have to know that in each and every situation you are not alone. Yes, things may not go as we wish them to, but trust that everything happens for a reason.
A person may have created certain circumstances to test your reaction to a setback.
Someone I know once told me: “Don’t study me, because you won’t graduate.” This is true. Try not to watch a person’s every move, but instead learn how to deal with them.
We may face challenges when we have to deal with people. We need to know a few things about them in order to know how to deal with them. We need to learn about their interests, strengths and weaknesses. This will help you overcome challenges in the right way. It will help you to get people out of your way without holding any grudges. You will beat them at their own game.
When growing up, a child is groomed or moulded. There is pre-school, then school, and so forth. In life you have to go through some occasions in order for them to prepare you, to groom and mould you.
As I’ve said, how you deal with challenges and obstacles defines you. How you react to a situation shows your mental capacity and your strength.
Challenges help us to see who we are and to discover the strength we have. In order to seriously deal with a problem, you first need to understand it. In this way, you will know how to tackle it. Beyond that, you need to have faith in Christ
Problems exist to groom us in this life. They prepare us to face life and help us to see a better version of life. They help us to find the importance of life. They remind us that while we are still alive, there will be times when we step on each other’s toes. That is why we have to forgive.
Tell us what you think: Do you think that problems exist to groom us?