The birth of your soul
A human’s soul is born pure and perfect. It is uncontaminated. All men are born innocent and it is our job to keep our souls from getting tainted. We will only achieve this through peace.
We are born with a clear conscience. A punctured tyre will get you nowhere, and the same applies to a broken soul. All you will ever think about is vengeance and trying to prove a point. You will be living for others, not for yourself. You will be scattered into pieces. We know that it is hard to mend what is broken, but a broken soul will do nothing but waste your time.
Having a broken soul is like having a virus. Every time you interact with others you will leave them broken.
We were born with untainted souls. The state of your soul at the end of the line is totally up to you.
The birth of you
At first, God said: “Let us make man in our image, like us: and let him have rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every living thing which goes flat on the earth.” (Genesis 01: 26).
With all the trouble your mother went through, she still smiled when she first held you, at the first sight of you. Even when she thought of it, she did not give up. That act alone shows that you are no mistake. You are meant to be living in this world. You are right where you are supposed to be.
When a person is born, they bring happiness to those around them, even though the first thing they do is cry. They cry because they do not know what the future entails. They cry because they know nothing about the world.
Such moments will always be precious. The birth of a person is an extremely amazing thing. It is the start of all things. It is where you are moulded into you and are shown the way. But that is not the birth I’m talking about.
When we are young we begin to discover who we really are. Sometimes you may get confused as you grow up, but it is only you who can discover yourself and all of your potential. You are born when you reach that potential. It is then that you are nourished and blossom, because you are doing what you love, what you have dreamed of.
The years will reveal your full potential, because as the years go by, you are slowly developing, growing and seeing. Taking chances will help you to become more mature, responsible and wise.
Be careful. Learning to understand yourself at an early stage is advisable. Being true to yourself is the best present you can ever give to yourself. I once heard this saying: “Time wasted never returns”. There is a similar one that says: “Time waits for no one”. There is an African proverb that says: “A child who grows slowly is hard-headed. One who grows too quickly is obnoxious.” Today I want you to ask yourself: which child are you? Are you wasting your time or not?
Choose your path and make your choice based on what you love, not on what is expected from you. It is at this time that you will understand yourself.
You will be truly born when you find out who the real you is. That will be the birth of you.
The power within you
Within you there is this force, the power that only you have. The power starts within your mind-set. What you think of your life and yourself has a great impact on your life. If you want to live a life full of prosperity, you need to think, walk, talk and breathe prosperity. Be positive.
It has been said that power lies in your tongue. What you say about yourself is what you will be. If your prophecy is that you will be poor, then poor is what you will be.
The force within you must guide you to the right path. Throughout rainy and sunny days, it will lead your way. It is in your mind-set and in what you say.
We are born and have to be born. All of us have an internal power. Like Mariah Carey’s song “Hero” says, we live on planet earth. We will have some moments when we feel down, some when we feel hurt, some when we are broken and betrayed, and some when we think the whole world is against us. Those are the moments when you have to tell yourself that you can make it. You need the ability to think positively. You need the power to forgive so that you won’t waste time holding grudges. You need the power to be able to acknowledge the wrongs you have done and apologise. You can do all this when you are not confused and when you know yourself.
Different factors presented to us by life are tests. They lead us to different circumstances, which we handle differently. In every situation there lies a choice. It is up to you to choose the easy way out or the best way forward.
Imagine a moment when you are angry with someone. The person appears and your facial expression suddenly changes. You have this negative energy that gives this person something to laugh about and something to be proud of. It was that person’s aim to make you angry. You are making their job easy. Be the bigger person and learn to ignore the fool.
This is why a positive psychological dimension is important. You have to be optimistic. In this way, you will know how to handle difficult situations and you will have less fear of failure. What you think about yourself is the key to the life you dream of. The drive in you is the power you need, the power to ignore the negative and be positive.
A happy life is only for those who are born and succeed in understanding and living for themselves. It is only for those who are rich in love and successful in forgiving. These people grow every day, sow seeds of peace and harvest harmony. They have goals.
Tell us what you think: Do you have goals? What are they?console.log(‘ThelmsSurveyLink::GetLinkArray() returned ‘, false);