I sat alone in my room with wrinkles from my past sorrows etched on my face, and each wrinkle told its own story. While looking over my favourite Rosebush, which formed part of my perfect window view, I saw a familiar face hiding amongst the Rosebush, smiling back at me.

“Who are you?” I wondered, scratching my head. “Oh yes, I remember you now,” I said mischievously, as if I was playing a game of hide and seek with the shadow behind the Rosebush.

As my hair became grey, my mind became unhinged and uncertain. I tried clinging on to my fading memories, so I gathered a pen and some papers to pen down a piece of writing. My story needed to be heard, and I hoped that, by telling it, I could save someone else’s love story and my memories of a thirst for an unfulfilled love.


Many years earlier, there was a night I woke up in a bad sweat. “What a nightmare that was,” I whispered to myself. But I could not have been dreaming about HIM, though! It had been 5 years, so I should have forgotten about him by that time. “You are getting married to Malik, the man of your dreams, so stop it!” I told myself.

While thinking, I was staring in awe at my perfect white, laced wedding dress from Bride & co. It was perfectly placed on a hanger, right on the knob of my cupboard, next to the perfect photo of me and my husband to be, Malik. After dating him for a few months, I was finally going to become Mrs Malik Adams. I was finally going to marry the love of my life, and we were finally going to share our future together.

“That’s how it should be, I’m happy,” I whispered to myself, then I went back to sleep.

The following morning, I woke up feeling positive and energetic. I was ready to take on the challenges of the day ahead. After waking up, I went outside to water my rosebush and, when I was done, I went for my routine early morning jog in order to awaken my senses and reignite my organs with nature’s fresh, clean air.

I returned home from my lengthy and tiring jog after a while, and it always left me breathless and weak. I had to take a few minutes to regain my lung strength, so I threw myself onto my soft comfy couch, and, while I was lying there, I heard a knock on the door, so I answered it from the lounge.

“Who is it?” I yelled, but when there was no reply, I got up from my comfortable seat, went to the door, opened it, and saw someone unsettling.



Tell us: What do you think seeing her ex before she gets married is going to do for our min character?