My first day at the office wasn’t as bad as I had thought. Pearl had got me one of the best suits and shoes in town, not to mention my fresh cut. They had organised a welcome party for me. Liz was just the same, bending over to pick something up in front of me in a short skirt, exposing her bums whenever she saw that no one was looking.

After the celebration I met with potential clients and the old ones. Just when I was about to call it a day, Liz walked in with the guy who was with Nomsa at Wimpy.

“Sbuda! Thuso Mphela here. I’d like us to discuss or draw up some timetable for me to spend time with my daughter.” He said extending his hand.

“I’m sorry, maybe you should see a family advocate about such matters. I don’t deal with such.”

“I don’t think you understand, I’m talking about Filwe here…”

“Sorry, what?”

“You heard me loud and clear Mr Mahlangu. I want to see my daughter every now and then.”

I felt my jaws tightened. If I was able to walk I would have been all over him like rash. After so many years of raising that child; taking leave at work when she was born, spending sleepless nights in the nursery while she cried all night long. And some bastard who can’t even pronounce her name right comes here and demands access to visit her?

“Tell me Mr Mphela, this daughter of yours how old is she?”

“Seven, six! What does it matter?”

“And when exactly did you find out you have a daughter?”

Bona mo papa ase ke tle court mo ke tlile fela go tsebisha gore I want to see my daughter that’s all.”

“So you are the very same guy who blackmailed my wife! Ten whole years and you only realise now that you have a daughter? Do you know that Mantoa ended up selling our house just so she could pay you?”

Bona monna, you’ll let me know when I can pick her up. I’m not here for a lecture.”

“Well Mr Mphela, I’m not about to let you know anytime soon. Take me to court if you have to but that’s my daughter not yours. And I’m quite sure the judge won’t be pretty impressed about the fact that you blackmailed my wife so you could shut your pipe about being Filwe’s father. What kind of a father does that?”

“This is not over, not in the long run.”

“You will not see my daughter unless the court orders me to let you see her. And I can assure you that I’ll make sure the court sees you for the selfish bastard you are.”

He left the office banging the door behind him. Liz got in afterwards with a tray of cookies and coffee.

“I just thought I should spoil you with your all-time favourite.”

She put the tray on my desk, sat right in front of me, her legs wide open revealing her black lace panties. I felt annoyance come over me. I guess it came with having a woman like Pearl in my life.

“Liz please…remove your ass from my desk.”

She got up and came to me, trying to massage me.

“You want to tell me you didn’t miss me, not even once?”

“Look, I’m a changed man now. I don’t think I’m still interested in such silly things. I have a woman who loves me Liz…”

“So I’m not good enough for you anymore?”

“I didn’t say that Liz. I’m saying I’d rather be with one woman. I’m no longer that kind of a man anymore. I’m your boss and it’s just not right…”

“Oh really?” she stood in front of me. “After obe o ntshephixa magodimo le ma fase? Suddenly you are a one-man-woman? I’m doing you a favour anyway, you are on a wheelchair for Gods sake, no woman would want you to touch them. If you want to act like a jerk be my guest.”

She marched out of the office then came back a few seconds later, took the tray and left.

When Pearl came to me pick me up I was tired as hell. I didn’t even have time to ask or see the kids. I just took a bath and went to bed. The following day I was awoken by Mantoa’s call.

“Ja?” I answered.

Ofa ke mang right ya go tseya bana baka and stay with them with another woman?” she yelled.

“The problem is another woman right? Well, she has a name, it’s Pearl and she is the most loving woman ever.”

“Really! So is Thuso and he wants to see his child.”

“In his dreams.”

“If you think we are just gonna watch you play Boss with Filwe, think again.”

“We? So you are using him to spite me?”

“Filwe is not yours, get that in your thick skull.”

She hung up! I went to the office in a foul mood. I was just about to let a client in when Liz told me someone had a delivery for me. A middle aged man walked in. He had a notepad and an envelope with him.

“Mr Mahlangu! I need you to sign here for me please.”

I did!

“You’ve been served sir!” he said and left. I opened up the envelope. There was a court letter and date, regarding the matter of me denying Mr Mphela visitations to his daughter.

That bastard!

It was Friday and on Saturday Uncle Mishark was going to be laid to rest. Pearl came to pick me up with the kids and we headed home. It was busy since they were preparing for the following day. I sat with my other uncles and neighbours at the back as they slaughtered the cow.

Pearl came at the back, worry all over her face.

“Honey, I’ve been looking all over for Filwe and I can’t find her,” she said with a shaky voice.


Tell us: Do you think Mantoa kidnapped Filwe? Could she have been working with the man all along and was never black-mailed?