You Can’t Change Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Be Changed

It is just a matter of time before the sun rises in the morning with many problems and challenges. When the moon also shuts down in the evening, it shut down with many problems and challenges.

There was a young boy called Kgothatso Nkosi, who was one of the most talented and dynamic children in the community. Both his parents kept making sure that he got everything in life. His father worked for the government, and his mother did not work, but she always made sure they survived for the whole month. His mother played fahfee, because Kgothatso said his mother did not have a choice but to help in the contributions as a breadwinner.

Fahfee is mostly played in various places by people from different race, even though it is originally from China. It started being played late in South Africa, at around the 19th century.

There are various other types of gambling that have taken place in our communities. They have made a major impact in our communities, and they have become a big issue. These various gambling practices are as follow: playing cards, rolling dice, and the gambling game of fahfee.

Our fellow community members claim to be unemployed, and being unemployed can cause harm in many families in South Africa. Being a parent and/or a breadwinner is bad if you are not working. A breadwinner will not be able to feed their young ones and he/she will not be able to support their families. That is the reason why the game of fahfee leads to crime, including police corruption through taking bribes from gambling people, as well as a problem of gambling.

Our biggest concern is usually reducing the high rate of gambling in our community. That can only be done if our government stands with us and creates jobs/vacations so that people can work. Kgothatso’s mother became very addicted to those games, and she ended up risking her life because, some other times, she came home late when she was supposed to be preparing dinner for her husband and son. As time went by, Kgothatso’s father came across an idea of calling a family meeting so that they could address the matter and come up with a solution.

During the meeting, the elders were discussing this issue of gambling. In the meantime, Kgothatso’s mother was coming home and, on her way there, she came across cars outside her yard. She was very devastated and she kept asking herself what was happening, why were those people there, where they came from, and who they were.

“Knock-knock,” Kgothatso’s mother said.

“Come in, my wife,” Kgothatso’s father responded.

“Good evening everyone, and why didn’t you give me a call to tell me about our visitor’s darling?” Kgothatso’s mother asked.

“Good evening my dear,” the paternal uncle said. “We are here to address the issue of the gambling that you are playing every day, and that you coming home in the middle of the night, and not cooking for your family, which is your duty at home as a wife.”

“What is wrong with you, are you here to control me?” Kgothatso’s mother asked. “Even in my house? What I’m doing has nothing to do with you, and please, if you are here to judge me, then know that my door is always open. As for my husband, oh I am very devastated today. Even for a minor problem, you go gallivanting all over the place, spreading our relationship issues.”

“This is music to my ears,” Kgothatso’s father said. “You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to be changed.”


Tell us: What would you do if you came across someone who needed to change but did not want to?