I can tell you that after Katlego’s stinky attitude towards me, he never bothered to apologise; never had he faced me, nor even tried to be in the same room with me. It was all just too much for me. I loved him! Why couldn’t he see that? When that Satan he called a wife broke his heart, it broke my heart too. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone and settle for me? I’m not demanding, I’m not snobbish and I would most definitely get along with his mother. I told myself that she had bewitched him, because no matter what she did, he always had to beg her and for what?
I loved Katlego with all my heart, and the night we shared together proved just how much he loved me too. All he needed was a push in the right direction and he would realise just what he was missing.
So one afternoon, I heard them arguing about Katlego’s Personal Assistant and I knew I had to intervene. They mentioned her as Palesa, and I kept that in mind.
It didn’t take me long for my plan to work. They were sharing a cosy bath, and had left their cellphones unattended and that’s when I saw a chance. Luckily, their phones didn’t have passwords, thanks to Miss Thing and her insecurities. Katlego removed his passwords because she always accused him of hiding things from her.
I searched for ‘Palesa’ in Katlego’s phone, and it gave me exactly what I wanted: ‘Palesa P.A.’ Then I picked up the madam’s phone and typed an SMS:
You know what, you little cow? I have had it with you trying to steal my husband. You don’t know me but you don’t want to mess with me. If you still value your miserable life, stay the hell away from Katlego! In fact, resign you little bitch!
And Send…
I quickly erased it from the Sent items after it had given me a notification and left the phones as I had found them.
They left for a movie, leaving me with little Thateho, all by ourselves. I had no problem bonding with the little girl. After all, soon I would be her mother. Can you imagine how my plan miraculously worked? The love birds came back from the movie, throwing rotten eggs at each other’s faces and they took their war straight to the bedroom. Thateho was sleeping and so I took the chance to tiptoe to their door so I wouldn’t have to miss any of the gory details.
“You know what? Go! Go to your little slut! But guess what, you jerk ass? I won’t stay here and wait for you either, go! Take all your things, take all of them!” said Lulama in a hysterical voice.
“Oh please! Now you are threatening me! You know what, Lulama, grow up! I don’t care where you go! Just leave my baby when you go. I’m out of here!”
I heard his footsteps march into Thateho’s bedroom and then to the kitchen, then out to the garage.
If she was not such a cow, I would’ve felt sorry for her, because her howling was enough to wake up all the neighbours. It was such a pity it all had to come to that, but I was a woman who knew what she wanted and Katlego was exactly that.
Well as a respecting maid, I had to show my support and go to her bedroom. God, she was such a mess!
I sat right close to her, just as I did with her husband, only this time I had no desire whatsoever to be there.
“Madam! Oh, I’m so sorry!” I said between a hug and fake tears.
“I don’t even know what he is talking about Mantoa! I don’t know! Why are all these things… Why are all these things happening to me, to us?”
“Shhhhh! It’s okay! Just try to breathe and everything will work itself out,” I said, rubbing her back.
“How do I breathe when my husband has run off to another woman? He…he… he went to her! Maybe this is what he wanted all along. It’s what he wanted…” she said sobbing.
“Madam, I know exactly what will make you feel better. Just try to calm down…”
I left her to go pick up a bottle of wine from the wine cellar. As I did, my mind was bubbling with ideas. If I didn’t use that moment to separate them forever, I might not have another chance. I took out a corkscrew and opened the wine. After carefully checking that she was not watching, I took out a bottle of sleeping pills and popped five into her wine, carefully stirring them and adding some ice as well.
I took her the glass of wine and she took it gratefully. “I don’t know where I would be without you, Mantoa. This wine is exactly what I needed. Pease bring me Thateho so I can cuddle with her.” She gulped down the wine I gave her before I could go pick up Thateho and then asked for the second glass. “Please just bring me the whole bottle,” she ordered.
Already I could see the pills working. She looked very fuzzy when I took Thateho to her, the poor thing was slipping into a deep sleep. Pity I had a plan for her. I bade Miss Thing goodnight, knowing I was surely going to return to her bedroom later.
I spent ten minutes going over and over my plan. It had better work because if it didn’t, I was surely going to rot in jail. I had made up my mind. I was going to do just as I planned. In just a few weeks, Katlego would be right where I wanted him.
I headed to the bedroom where I left the sleeping pills and I took them with me to Miss Thing’s bedroom. She was so peaceful, I almost felt sorry for her. I sprawled the pills all over her bed, and for the master plan, I took one of her pillows, and held it over Thateho’s face until I made sure she was no longer breathing.
I would have thought killing a little baby would require hard work, but it actually didn’t. Why should I feel pain or regret? She was no child of mine; besides she was the greatest asset in my master plan.
I quickly searched her drawers for a pen and paper and staged a suicide note, hoping and praying that the sleeping pills didn’t wear off before I finished writing my note, which read as follows:
I hope you enjoy your life with your floozy!
I’m sorry I couldn’t leave my baby behind to be raised by your slutty girlfriend and your witch mother.
Till we meet again…
I shoved the note in her hand, and she grabbed it as though she knew my life depended on it.
For the last part of the plan, I picked up her phone and called her husband…
“What is it Lulama? I’m trying to sleep here!” answered Katlego.
“Oh my God, you have to come back! You have to come now, she…she… She took wine with sleeping pills…and….. she…”
“Hold on, Mantoa, what are you saying?”
“Come home, just come home! Lulama she… I think she tried committing suicide… there is a note… pills everywhere, I… I’m scared…”
“Oh my God! Call an ambulance, Mantoa! Call an ambulance now! I’m on my way.”
Shame, my poor baby! If only he hadn’t treated me like shit, things wouldn’t have needed to come that far. I checked if Lulama was still woozy from the pills and she seemed perfectly unconscious, exactly the state I needed her in…
I took the opportunity to call an ambulance and prepared myself on how I was going to act after they revealed Thateho’s death. “Oh Thato! Nooo! Not her! Not my baby!”
Mhm, I just couldn’t wait to put up a show.
Tell us: What kind of woman kills a baby to get a man?