I fell asleep on his chest, and I had this wonderful dream of us getting married, only to wake up to an empty bed. I thought I heard footsteps from the kitchen. I smiled to myself thinking he must be preparing breakfast in bed for me. Imagine! Breakfast in bed for me, Mantoa, the maid! But a few minutes after that there was still no aroma of food in the air, nor any movement. I got up and picked up my clothes from the floor.
At that moment, I was feeling a little confused. After the night we spent together, I would have expected him to spend the whole day in bed with me, just like he always did with that ungrateful woman. At least I deserved it. I loved him wholeheartedly and I would do anything to keep him happy. Maybe I didn’t need to be confused. Maybe he left to tell her it was over, to let her know there was a new woman in his life, and that she should forget about him.
I spent the whole day in such a great mood. Everything was smooth for me: the cleaning, the laundry… I didn’t even feel tired like I always did. I just couldn’t wait for my Babe to come home, so we could continue where we left off.
An idea hit me. There was just me and him in the house, and a romantic dinner would be my way of showing him that I couldn’t stop thinking of what we got up to the previous night. The things he did to me and said… A sexy revealing nightie would go well with the romantic dinner. I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the mirror. Lulama ‘s nightie fitted like a glove, it looked even sexier on me and I could already imagine Katlego’s face when he saw me in it. At exactly seven o clock, everything was set, not to forget a sweet rosé wine on ice with two glasses… Mmh, I just couldn’t wait for him to return home.
At a quarter past seven, I heard his car drive in. I couldn’t contain my excitement anymore, and something told me to go outside and welcome him home with a warm kiss and hug; something his ungrateful wife would never do for him… I was just about to open the door, when I heard him talking to someone. “Babe please, I’m so sorry, just come home. I miss you and our little champ inside you. Please, my love, don’t shut me out!”
I froze right at the door. No! He couldn’t be begging her. No! Not after the previous night!
“Do you want me to come pick you up? Okay, okay I’ll stop nagging, but please Lulu, don’t let me spend another night alone!”
Alone? What was I? A shadow? Something to ease the pain? No! He couldn’t do that to me, he just couldn’t. I needed to show him, to prove to him that he was better off with me than with her.
I took a deep breath and ran outside to him, and clung to him like a little child.
He seemed shocked, and a little disturbed.
“Babe, I… I’m coming to pick you up if you are not here in twenty minutes…”
He hung up, removed me from him with disgust and said in a very sour tone: “What the hell do you think you are doing? And what the hell are you wearing?”
I felt tears blind me, this couldn’t be happening! Last night couldn’t have been a dream. He held me in his arms and he told me I was sweet and soft. What was all the attitude about?
“Is that what I think it is? Are you crazy? Can you imagine how crazy Lulu will be if she finds you in that thing?” He pushed me aside and walked inside. “And what is all this? Candles and wine? What is your problem?”
“I’m sorry, okay? I thought, I thought last night…”
“Last night was last night, something that should never have happened!” he shouted.
“But Katlego, you… you said…”
“I don’t care what I said. Whatever it is that happened last night was a huge mistake! You are the maid and I’m your boss, and I’m not Katlego! It’s ‘Sir’ to you, that’s if you still value your job. Now please take off that thing before my wife comes home!”
I had never been as shattered as I was that night. I ran to my bedroom and cried like I’ve never cried before. I kept on thinking about the things he did to me the previous night, and then all of a sudden he was begging that bitch? Calling me a maid? A maid he was holding all night long in his bed? How could he? How could someone be so cruel?
And then, as if his attitude and insults were not enough, he had to enjoy the food I prepared for me and him with that witch? Can you imagine the kind of pain I went through when I heard their laughter coming from the kitchen? “Babe, you know I can’t drink wine! What are you doing tempting me?” said that bitch with her snobbish voice.
“I’m sorry Babe! I don’t even know why I asked Mantoa to put out two glasses. I guess I was just excited that you and our baby were coming home. You wouldn’t believe how horrible last night was without you,” he said with a soft voice.
“But Babe, le wena. When are you ever going to understand that your mother and I are not best buddies. That woman… she…”
“It’s okay! Okay, fine! I get you! No need to get worked up. Let’s just eat so we can have dessert in our bedroom because I really can’t wait…”
“Dessert? Mmh! What’s for dessert?” She giggled.
“I guess that’s for you to find out!” he said.
Tell us: Mantoa is being treated very unfairly, but do you think she did the right thing to try and get between a man and his pregnant wife?