How do I explain that bitter, sour taste? The taste of defeat? It was as if the devil was standing at the door with his tail wagging, and I was left to face the consequences all by myself. Even so, I was not going to agree to anything. No, I was not going to let them destroy my and Katlego’s love forever. He was going through a difficult time. All those things he said to me came from the devil controlling him, just as he controlled me to send those ungrateful thugs to his house. Everything was going to be okay. I just needed to be calm. My man would soon take me out of all this mess. He would do it for the sake of love. Yes, I just had to be patient.

And just when I thought of my love, he arrived but I was confused. He was not alone, but accompanied by his wife! I was supposed to be the one by his side.

“Oh my God, look at what the Lord has done. Finally, justice has been served,” said Katlego with a very sour look on his face.

“Katlego, Babe, you have to believe me, I have been set up! This witch set me up. She did it to break us apart, can’t you see?”

“Wait! Did you just call my husband Babe?” asked that bitch.

“Yes I did. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him, or what didn’t he tell you about?”

“About what? The one night stand you had? Was it so good that you felt the need to kill an innocent baby?” she asked, tears flooding her face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I loved Thateho. I love you Katlego and I know you love me too. Please believe me, I have been set up…”

“Mantoa, you killed our daughter, you killed Palesa. I saw you that morning crushing nuts, and the autopsy confirmed the same thing. You finished her off just like you did with my daughter and guess what? You left a trace of your hair on her pillow. A DNA match proved that. A few days ago, you left your cousin a note and that was your biggest mistake, because the handwriting matched the one on the supposed suicide letter.”

“Just after I confronted you about Palesa’s death, you decided to organise some break-in at my house and that’s where you hit the final nail in your coffin, because the police found you surrounded by all the things I reported missing… So go ahead! Deny everything as much as you want, but you are going down! My wife and I only came here to wish you farewell…”

“I did it for you, okay? I love you, Don’t let her poison you. I have always been there for you when she threw unnecessary tantrums. I never meant to hurt Thateho. I was desperate for your attention Babe; that night of passion we spent together… I can’t go a day without thinking about it, the way you held me, the way…”

“Oh please Mantoa, do you know how pathetic you sound right now? Stop calling me all these ridiculous names. What kind of a person kills an innocent three-month old baby just because they are desperate for a man’s attention? You are sick. You need help! Can’t you see that I don’t love you. I never have and I never will. You killed my baby, selfish witch. You killed my baby and you watched me suffer every day, knowing what you’d done. You pretended to be hurting! You acted like the world’s best nanny when you knew what you had done. I can’t even look at you right now…”

I couldn’t stand hearing him say all those things. No, it was too much for me. Too much for my heart.

“Katlego, please my love, I did everything I did for love. That Personal Assistant couldn’t keep her hands off you, and that day in the study when I saw you two comforting each other, I couldn’t stand it…you…”

Lulama spoke for the first time: “I hope you rot in Hell for what you did to my daughter and trying to frame me for it. If I was someone less, I would be stuffing a pillow on your miserable face just like you did with my daughter, but I will leave all that for the inmates in prison, to give you a taste of your own medicine. Babe, I’m done here, I want to go.”

With that, Katlego took her hand, they turned their backs on me and left.

Even though Katlego ditched me after our passionate love making, even though he cheated on me with his Personal Assistant, even though he kept on saying all those harsh things, in my heart of hearts I knew that he would soon have a change of heart, and he would realise that I did all I did for us and he would make sure to keep me out of jail.

All I needed to do in the meantime was to be patient and prepare myself for the couple of days I would spend in prison, while my Baby found a way to get me out 🙂


Tell us: I’m sure she will be waiting a long time if she is expecting Katlego to save her. Do you agree that she needs a mental home rather than a prison?