“Oh my, this is what happens when you get in the way of happiness. When you go wrecking people ‘s homes. You see Katlego is mine, he belongs to me. You were nothing but a distraction, but he and I belong together. I’m his sweetness, his everything. Yeah, he called me that. Now please die so we can all go on with our lives. Unless you need a little help? You see, I’m very good at these things…”

She was now shaking, her swollen lips wanted to say something but she couldn’t. It was all over for her, the tears pouring down her face proved that even she could see that. I slowly picked up the cushion on her couch, and the expression on her face when I did that was priceless! Sweet, sweet victory.

I slowly bent down to her, humming a very touching hymn, one that was very, very close to my heart:

“Khutso e teng,ya e a lapileng

E mo go,Jesu fela

Khutsa fa”

Yes, that’s right, it was time for her to rest, and let me carry on where she left off. I held the pillow over her face and performed what I was very good at. Her body was so weak she couldn’t even bring herself to fight me. In just a blink of an eye…it was all over…

I got up with so much satisfaction in my heart. I picked up the cup from the floor, as well as what was left of the carrot cake, and headed home…

You can imagine the wonderful night I spent. The happiness, the satisfaction I had in my mind, body and soul, not to mention the sweet dreams! Oh God, they were all so beautiful, so real. Katlego and I with our twins, a girl and a boy, running around the park, feeding the ducks; our little man the spitting image of his father… In my heart I knew that soon it was all going to become true…

…my dreams were disturbed by a very harsh knock on the door. Hao! What was wrong with Lehlogonolo? Was she being chased by someone? Didn’t she say she would be home by seven o’clock in the morning? It was just around midnight though…

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It’s Katlego! Open up this door…”

Oh my God! I couldn’t believe it! My plan had worked and now my Baby had come to his senses. He was coming to take me home.

I opened the door with a huge smile on my face, only to be pushed aside and insulted. What exactly was wrong with that man?

“This time you took it too far; do you hear me? You little bitch!”

“I’m sorry? What are…”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about! It was you! Oh my God, you are an ungrateful little witch! I should’ve listened to my wife! Wasn’t it enough that you sent an innocent woman to jail? And Thateho? Wasn’t that all enough for you?”

He was shaking with rage. Tears all over his face. It saddened me to see him like that. If he would just calm down and let me hold him…

“Sir I… I really don’t know… what…?”

“Liar! You are sick, a sick psychopath. I saw you this morning with nuts, I saw you…I knew you were up to something; I could see it in your eyes… Why are you doing all these things? Why?”

“I said I don’t know what you are talking about,” I shouted. He was beginning to get on my nerves. All the love I had for him was beginning to turn into hatred.

“Come with me, Mantoa. Come with me to the police station. Hand yourself in before the police come for you, because it’s only a matter of time before they do. All these things you did… they are twisted and cruel and sick. You need help!”

“I don’t need anyone’s help! Leave me alone! Leave me alone, you bastard!”

“If you thought all the things you did would make me love you, then you are more sick than I realised. The day I found myself in bed with you, I woke up disgusted with myself. You might as well stop all this madness. I don’t give a damn about your psychotic ass. I never will. And if I didn’t value my life, I would be making you pay for everything…”

“Get out of here before I call the police,” I said with tears in my eyes.

“Oh, the police will come alright! I just hope they throw away the key afterwards. I’m going to make sure you pay for all this, you sick, sad psychopath.”

With that my man left, and when he did, he took a part of me with him. Every single word that came out of his mouth cut through me like a sharp twisted knife. After everything, I did to be with him, he had the nerve to say all those painful things, all those cruel things, calling me names, such painful names? Why?

Why couldn’t he just understand? I did it for love, our love, our future together with our own children. But why did he have to be so cruel? Telling me that he was disgusted after making love to me? How can someone say such horrible things to someone who loved them endlessly and unconditionally?

I rocked back and forth on my cousin’s bed, tears pouring off my chin. It was as if someone had stumbled on my heart, and squashed it till there were only tiny little pieces left. He left me heartless, his words left me cold, bitter and crazy as never before.

I was going to teach him never to mess with me. I was going to teach him to love and respect women. I was going to teach him never to sleep with someone and call them sweet names when he knew he didn’t mean it. It was all over between us, over…I no longer saw him as my man. The love of my life, my future husband… I saw him as public enemy number one, and I was going to show him what I did to such people…


Tell us what you think: Where is this all going to end? Is she going to kill Katlego now too?