“No, there is nothing much guys, it’s about the kids.” My mother was bored the moment Mr Williams said the word “kids”. She unfolded her hands and went straight to the gate shouting and talking so loud.
My father tried to stop her. “Laura, stop, Laura we need to talk about this, don’t leave Laura!”
She was not listening to any of them, outside the gate she stopped and turned around.
“Oh, and off the record. You Williams people need to get the hell out of our lives, we live our lives the way we live it, and I don’t need any life coaches when it comes to the life I’m living. You live your own lives, please get the hell out of our live, and stick your nose out of my business. Johnathan! Come let’s leave now, we’re not using these people’s money for drinks, or sleep here in their pretty house. We have our own house come let’s go.”
My father didn’t know if my mother was that drunk, but the way she was reacting said it all, and he was speechless and shocked and so was Mr and Mrs Williams. My father stood up with his head slouched because of what just happened.
“Mr and Mrs Williams, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean any of this. My wife’s behaviour was intolerable and I’m really sorry about that,” he followed after my mother.
They left the Williams quiet for a moment under there, after a while they both sighed with disappointment.
“I wonder how Johnathan survives with a woman like that, what did he see in her, and why is he still with her? She’s tearing this man apart, and she’s doing it very well.”
Mrs Williams was really worried, and so was her husband.
“What are we going to do with the kids now, when she’s busy doing this?” he asked, and they were both quiet for a moment.
“But we can’t let this affect our relationship with these kids, these kids needs us, we the only help and reliable people for them, so let’s not spoil it.” said Mr Williams. Mrs Williams simply nodded her head in agreement.
I ran to my room when I reached the house. I locked myself in the room. I heard them talking and my mother was angry with the fact that my father was trying to side with the Williams.
“You trying to tell me that I can’t raise my kids, they think that they are better than us. Look now we lost Simon, and he was willing to buy booze for us and now he’s gone because we were still busy taking living life lessons from your precious neighbours.”
My father tried to calm himself down, “Laura the Williams are trying to help us with the kids. Our kids.”
She exclaimed in frustration, “Whose kids? I don’t have kids I only have my lovely son, and everyone knows that I have no problem raising him. So don’t make your troubles mine please!”
I heard my father raising his voice too, “Laura don’t you dare called my children trouble!”
“What are you going to do Jonathan? You’re going to beat me and chase me away like you did to those mothers of your precious children. Go ahead, hit me now Jonathan.”
My father was quiet. I always wondered what happened to my mother and to Freedom’s mother. I now know that they were beaten and chased away by our own father. Tears were streaming down my face, wetting the pillow and slept overcame me.
Tell us: What do you make of the way Lucia’s mother reacted towards the Williams?