The following morning Sindi got dressed up and packed all her clothes ready to be a businesswoman and set a good example to other girls. To her disappointment this ‘business’ was prostitution. Her friend Lumka introduced her to their boss lady, the lady to whom all the customers paid to while she provided shelter, food, men and gave them a small percentage of their money.

Sindi refused to sell her body and went back to the township. After trying once again to get a job and failed, they could not afford anything for her brother.

She went back to Lumka, begging for forgiveness, she also apologised to the boss lady and told her that she was ready to work. She started working, she bought everything Khwezi needed for school and everything else that was needed at home.

After a while she was happy with her job.

After a week the boss lady called Sindi and the two other new girls and told them to start preventing, taking contraceptive pills because pregnancy was forbidden in that brothel. Sindi decided to remove her womb completely she did not see the reason to have a child because her younger brother was already like a child of hers. She went to see a doctor, Dr Smith and told him that she wanted her womb removed, Dr Smith tried to convince her not to do it, he tried talking her out of it, he was really concerned.

Sindi was a different person now. She was a smoker, she took out her cigarette and lit it. She said to him, “I’ll pay you, I’ll pay you! Now do what you are paid for and stop asking me stupid questions and giving stupid advice, you don’t know nothing about me!” she said.

Dr Smith set the day for the operation and told her not to eat anything that day.
On the 3rd of July Sindi woke up early in the morning she was the first patient, she waited for two hours before Dr Smith arrived. He tried to convince her again and he asked how could he be of help in her situation, she laughed and asked him if he wanted a piece of cake too? The theatre was all prepared after the surgery Sindi was the happiest person ever, she was ready for the real business and money.


Tell us: What do you think of Sindi’s behaviour?