We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve. Some may seem small, and others may seem big, but all of them require hard work and great precision, and the most important rule about the journey is not giving up. Don’t you ever give up because, if you do, you will make hope disappear, and without hope, everything will just crumble and fall apart, and it will be very hard for you to start over again. That is why it is important to never lose hope and never give up. You can do it, no matter what.

Sometimes it is hard to find out where you want to go and what you really want to be in your life. Not everything that you think about is true, but what you believe in and have faith in will always come true, even if it is just a dream. The future is right in front of us, it is just that we are too blind to see it. But if we regain our trust, peace, joy, believe and faith, everything will be much clearer to us. To show us that there is nothing impossible to achieve, everything we need is right here on this earth, and we only need to find out how to use what we have in a good way.

I know it might sound lame, but there is always a solution to every problem we encounter, so never doubt yourself. What you believe in will always be in the right track for you, and you will achieve it only if you choose the correct track that will guide you to it, no matter where you are going. Be who you were born to be in life and in the future.

Yes, it has been pretty rough, and for me some days, I felt kind of lost from where I needed to be. I felt like I was alone, but there has always been one vision, and a voice in me has always been with me, and it has always been highly linked with me. It has never faded away, and it has given me the strength to communicate with myself. It has shown me who I must be, but things have gotten tougher for me. I have even thought that, maybe I was not destined for what I must be, but I now know that everything I was going through was there to test me, even if I was ready for the upcoming battle to see if I was resilient enough to withstand the pain and suffering along the way.

There is always a test for everyone, and I know that my test is to see if I am worthy enough to become what I must be. So, no matter what happens right now, I don’t care because in the end, I will be what I was meant to be because I say so, and I believe in myself. My mind says so, my vision says so, and the other voice in me say so, so nothing can hold me back. I may suffer, but I am not going away until I am finished with my task, because I know I am worthy, no matter what others say about me.

I don’t care because it is not their task, but mine. It was given to me for a reason, and even though I don’t know the reason yet, I will soon know it because I am special. Everyone in this world was born special, and you only have to look deep into yourself because when you do, you will find your special gift waiting for you, and that gift is the best you that no one knows about.

I am starting slow, and just like a snail, I am moving gentle and smooth. I am taking the long route, and even though others go for a run, I know that the route I am taking is the best option for me. It may seem kind of foolish, but I know that it is the wisest choice for me. “Why”, you may ask, well, it is because the more you run, the more tired you get. But the more softly you walk, the more careful you are, and it becomes easier for you to dodge trouble along the way because you saved your strength and power for the final move.


Tell us: When you are faced with challenges, do you usually take the easy route or the tough one?