Since Kokstad had very little activities for people like Sipho and Naledi, they decided to go and sit at Steers and eat as much food as they could afford. They then took pictures together, posted them Facebook, and tagged each other. It was almost as if they had known each other for some time.

After that day, Sipho and Naledi began being inseparable, and they were always together. They spent a lot of time with each other, and Naledi would even go and study at Sipho’s house until it was very late at night. Two weeks went by, and Naledi finished writing her exams. That meant more fun was on the way for them as they had many plans and a list of things to do for the holidays.

It turned out that Naledi was a very adventurous girl. She even decided they go on a picnic dinner at the park, and chose a spot by the dam. The grass there was long and it gave them much needed privacy from the passers-by. She brought the picnic basket kit, and Sipho was supposed to get them the food and drinks. When they got there, they sat by the dam and spent the rest of the day eating off each other’s plates and drinking wine. It was both crazy and amazing for them both.

“Next time, remind me to come with fishing rods. I have been feeding these fish in this dam,” Sipho said, laughing at his idea.

“Are we camping next time? Because I think people only go finishing when they are on a camp,” Naledi responded, laughing very hard at the idea too.

“I do not know, but it will be fun, don’t you think?” Sipho asked.

“Well, I guess. Hey, the sun has gone down, why don’t we pack,” she said, kneeling in between Sipho’s legs. They then kissed on the lips for the first time. The kiss became intense and they took each other’s tops off while they continued kissing. “Should we really be doing this? Out here?” she asked, stopping.

“Uhm, I …” Sipho responded, but he could not talk.

While Sipho was speaking, Naledi kissed him on the lips once more, and they both put their clothes back on. “I am sorry, let us pack and get going,” she said, sounding stupid because she actually wanted to do it very badly.

After the kiss, they both packed everything, threw the waste in the nearby bin, and then got on their way.

“I have never been to a picnic dinner date in my whole life. You should rate my idea,” Naledi said when they were on their way to her home.

“I have never been to one either, but it was amazing. I give you 5 stars,” Sipho responded.

“Well, thank you sir. I did it for us, but now there is only one problem,” she said, and then stopped and turned to look at Sipho.

“What is that?” Sipho asked, also stopping.

“Uncle Dennis, I think he is back,” Naledi responded. “And you do not want him to see you with me.”

“Oh, is he like that?” Sipho asked.

“I am sorry, I just do not want to get us into trouble with him,” she responded. “Thanks for an amazing time.”

“Your uncle is a freak. I am looking forward to seeing you again soon,” Sipho said, and then kissed her and gave her the bags for the staff they were using.

After giving Naledi the bag, Sipho watched her walking off until she disappeared through the gate to her house. He then went back to his apartment, took a bath, came back, and watched some movies and slept. The following day, on Sunday, he woke up and called Naledi.

“Hey,” Naledi said.

“Good Morning, how did you sleep?” Sipho asked.

“Great, how about you?” Naledi responded.

“I tried. Are you up or are you still under your bed covers?” he asked.

“I am up and making my gran some breakfast,” she responded. “What are you up to?”

“I just woke up and wanted to hear your voice,” he responded.

“Oh, okay,” she said.

“Yeah, have a blessed Sunday,” he said.

“You too, bye,” she responded.

After hanging up, Sipho took his washing basket and went to wash his clothes in the sink at the backyard. It was a very boring Sunday for him, so after doing his washing, he played some music and took a nap.

Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?