After Naledi left, Sipho reached for his phone and started typing.
Sipho: “Heyi, where ya at?”
Thabile: “In town, looking to buy a bed for my room. I found a house to rent.”
Sipho: “Just a bed? Can I come over? I am really bored, plus you will have extra two hands to lift that bed.”
Thabile: “Sure, I will wait for you at Wimpy, in Rolyat.”
Sipho: “Fine.”
After sending the message, Sipho took a quick bath and went to meet with Thabile. When he got there, he found her busy on her phone and joined her.
“Good morning, are you good?” he greeted.
“Top Thokozile, you?” she responded, and she really looked over the moon with happiness. Sipho figured it must have been because of the new job.
“You are very happy, it is written all over your face,” he said, laughing. “Congrats!” he added, holding out his hand for a handshake, and Thabile did likewise.
“Thanks,” she responded. “So, what is your day like today?”
“Well, I have no plans. I just wanted to get out of that house. I was losing myself,” Sipho responded.
“Is it your 2K girlfriend again?” she asked, laughing.
Sipho laughed at himself too, but that was really stressing the hack out him. “You know,” he said, shrugging. “Can we please not talk about her today?”
“Your wish is my command,” she responded, bowing her head. “As long as you bring another interesting topic to talk about because it is going to be a long day.”
“So we are spending the whole day together? Is that what you are saying?” he asked, smiling.
“Yeah, you do not have any plans, angithi?” she responded.
“Right, so have you had your breakfast yet?” Sipho asked.
“Nope, I do not eat in the morning, remember?” she responded, standing up. “Now, let us go get some snacks before we go and get my bed.”
They left Wimpy and went into the Superspar nearby. They then bought all the snacks they would need while watching movies the whole day. After paying for the bed, they later delivered it to her room, which was rather empty. It only had her two large suitcases in one corner, two-door built-in cupboard with sink, and the bed.
“So, I have been meaning to ask you this. Why did you take your clothes off that day?” Sipho asked, throwing himself on the bed.
“That is my new bed, so do not jump on it like that,” she responded, joking and trying to dodge Sipho’s question.
“Sorry, but I need my answer,” he said, laughing.
“Well, you know what? It was all an irrational act. I did not think it through, but the honest truth is that I still cannot get over you,” she said, and then paused and looked at Sipho up and down. “And you were so harsh to me that day.”
“You hurt me, Thabile, and now the timing is a bit off,” he said. “Why did you have to come when I got myself into a relationship?”
“I respect that you have a girlfriend, but I still love you,” she responded. “What I did to you was uncalled for. I tried to apologise, but you never gave us the chance to talk.”
“I am sorry, I just did not see anything there to talk about. Do you remember how I begged you to take me back and you treated me like I am nobody,” he said, laying there and staring at the ceiling.
Instead of responding, Thabile went to him, and then, slowly and steady, she went in for a kiss. Sipho pulled her closer to him, and she jumped on top of him and kissed him some more. When the kiss really got intense, Thabile stopped.
“I do not want to get you in trouble with your girlfriend, Sipho, so are you sure you want to do this?” she asked, staring at Sipho with her sexy eyes.
Instead of responding, Sipho just pushed her, rolled her over, got on top of her, and then kissed her while he unzipping her dress. They had very good sex that day, and they did it for a couple of rounds. As the day was ending, Sipho knew he had to go, but it was a hassle for him because he was having so much fun with his ex-girlfriend. That went on until a call came through on his cell phone, but he wanted to ignore it.
“It is okay, you can take it,” Thabile said, softly touching his face.
“Hello,” Sipho said.
“I thought you were off today,” Naledi responded.
“Yeah, I am. What is going on?” he asked.
“I am waiting for you at your place, that is what is going on,” she responded.
“I thought when you stormed out of the room you wanted nothing to do with me,” he said.
“I thought about what you said, but when you are ready to talk, I will be here waiting. I love you,” she responded, and then hung up.
“Are you okay?” Thabile asked.
“Yeah, I am okay. I should get going. I will text you when I get to my room,” he responded, and then kissed her on the lips and got up to leave.
“Sipho!” she stopped him. “Thank you. I really appreciate you spending time with me. I missed that,” she said, smiling and waving goodbye.
Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?