The good fight of faith

In everything you do, know you are the product of what you read, watch, and listen to. They say a prayerful preparation prevents poor performance, so live by that code and the possibilities are endless. He who installed the gifts you have is greater than those who want to take them away from you.

Follow the desires of your heart, but not blindly though. Do not let things happen to you, make things happen in your life. When you let things happen to you, it implies that you are the kind that sharpens a spear and then expect the animal to come and kill itself before you. The future is an illusion; the now is in the hands of man.

So stay focused because a day is a thousand years with God. Identify the problem then break it down into small challenges and eventually you will win the war, but not without some costly battles though. Believing is the regulator of faith and faith has courage and boldness. When your faith doesn’t bring glory unto the higher power it constitutes to pride.

See it, believe in it, and then go live in it. When you lack the ability to stick to your word till dawn then you’re not consistent. Make sure you do not change the confession no matter the contrary winds. Quit compromising and just take a stand. The car never voluntarily asks for dirt, but because it is meant to be on the road it is bound to be dirty.

Since we are well aware of the fact that we live in a fallen world, constant prayer sessions are very important. It holds still the core of your very being so that in the midst of stormy and windy weather you’re not consumed. Understand that purpose kills frustration, so stop fighting the shadow and look for the object that casted the shadow. Stop seeking the light, you are the light. That’s why everyone is telling you to sit still.

When the purpose is not evident, people tend to walk in ignorance. After studying the history of the Israelites, we find out how quickly we forget the lesson life teaches us and how soon we revert to our old patterns of behaviour. There is nothing great ever achieved without an all-consuming desire. You must have a deep and burning desire to change.

Do not fear change, change fear. Without a passionate idea of what you want, there is no point in reading on. Failure is an illusion; it is not real at all. Never find yourself doing anything or building anything by will power, or human wisdom; it will fail.

Depend on God all the time. Despite the days of little beginnings, keep moving forward and upwards. The tears you share for yourself are a sign of weakness (self-pity) but the tears shared for someone else’s pain are a sign of strength. The seed time and the harvest time will never cease. Action is a result of a thought and what comes out of a man devices a man.

Know that doubt is of the mind and the spirit does not know doubt. You cannot see the wind but you can see the impact of it so take that principle and apply it in the area of difficulty in your life. The closer to the river, the more fruits bore. But the further you are from the river, the lesser are the fruits. The fruits of the spirit are contentment and joy. I’ll tell you this: human beings are clothed inside-out and unlike other species, they’re clothed outside-in. We first win in the spirit before we start to win on the outside; flesh.

Remember that God is the potter and you’re the clay. Every tree has time of its own draught season but the tree planted by the river side doesn’t consider seasons. Reason being that it’s connected to the source. So grow closer to the source of your being. The further you are from the creator, the closer you are to a path that leads to a string of distractions, and worst case scenario, death.

Learn to be still if you haven’t heard from the higher power and do not make any move unless God said so. Every reader is a leader and every leader should be a reader. I think the very fact that you’ve read to this point sets you apart. So the kind of weapons you carry should determine the nature of the battle.

You had a purpose way before they had opinions. Do not allow them to talk you out of your vision. You were alone beneath that blanket, dreaming so don’t expect anyone to believe because they weren’t there when you were dreaming. Knowledge is power and power is priceless so equip yourself so you do not flinch when adversity strikes.


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