***The Choosing of a Bride***

The following day, I went to my job, but I could not stop thinking about what Agogo had said the previous night. For my part, I was afraid of choosing a spouse. I had never supported the practice of maintaining several spouses simultaneously, and I knew I could not do that. While I was talking to myself, one of my colleagues spoke to me.

“Hi Jack! Today you are late, why?” she asked.

“My dear, even I do not understand myself,” I responded.

After speaking to her, I rushed and reached my place of employment. It was our payday, and I was standing in front of my boss.

“Finally, you are here,” my boss said. “You are the one I was waiting for. Just take yours. When it will be …”

I did not even listen to his final words because he was in hurry. After my office hours that day, I decided to walk around, but I wanted to take a rest. I then took a rest in a public house where they sold beverages, primarily alcoholic, and allowed us to consume them there. Once I took a seat, a server came to me.

“Chief, what would you like for me to bring you?” the server asked.

“I need any carbonated soft drink,” I responded, and he later brought me a Coca-Cola. “Ok thanks,” I said.

“You are welcome,” he responded.

While I sat there drinking my soft drink and planning my future, I saw a good-looking woman walk in. “What if I could exchange a few words with her?” I thought to myself. “What if this is what the future reserved for me?”

After a while, I gathered all the courage that I had, trying to be near her. Finally, I was near her.

“Hello miss,” I said.

“Hello,” she responded.

“Are you fine?” I asked.

“Yes I am,” she responded.

A large silence followed and prevailed so much that the both of us could listen to the other’s heartbeat. I then tried to end it.

“My name is Jack Sakina, can I know yours?” I asked.

“My name is Juliet Rajabu,” she responded. “I think my time here is over. I should leave you now.”

“So, may you please give me your phone number so that …” I said.

“Take my visiting card. See you …” she responded, cutting me off.

“Maybe I disturbed her and that is why she left me so early,” I thought to myself. “Anyway, I will not surrender.”

Tell us: Do you think Jack should do next?