Pinkie jumped out of the window and ran to catch a taxi. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait for too long. A taxi was already coming in her direction. She jumped inside. As soon as she got inside, she covered her eyes with her hands and started crying. She felt very scared. There was a very concerned lady sitting next to her. She looked at Pinkie for a long time and then decided to talk to her.

“Hey there young lady, is everything okay?” said the concerned lady.

Pinkie nodded twice and wiped away her tears. She looked into the lady’s eyes. She realised that they looked exactly like Creayer’s eyes when he was wearing contact lenses and pretending to be her best friend Bianca. She brushed away the thought, thinking that it was the things she had just seen that might be causing such thinking.

“I’m OK,” she replied. “It’s just that I have a headache.”

“What?” said the lady in surprise. “You’re crying because of a headache?” She smiled and took out headache pills from her bag, together with a bottle of water. “Here,” she said, as she handed them to Pinkie. “Take these. You will feel much better.”

“Thank you so much. May God bless you,” said Pinkie. She took the pills and water but she didn’t consume anything.

“May God bless you. Aren’t you going to drink your medication?” the lady asked.

Pinkie began to feel a little bit suspicious. Was this lady evil? She immediately let go of the thought. “Can I get off next to the school please?” she said out loud. The taxi stopped and she got off.

“See you later, kiddo,” the lady whispered to herself as the taxi drove off.
Back at Pinkie’s house, Creayer woke up on the floor. He was confused and naked. He changed back into Bianca’s form. He went to take a shower, opened his bag and got dressed. He puts his headsets on, grabbed his bag and a bottle of water, and left Pinkie’s house. He knew that he didn’t want to go back to school but he decided to go and search for Pinkie. He wanted to ask her many things. He wanted to ask her about her dreams. He knew that she wasn’t safe and that the enemy was rising. He played music and sang along as he walked, just like any other teenager.

“Mhhh, nana, nana,” he sang, “I pushed you down the stairs and I don’t care, I love it!” While Creayer was busy looking at his phone he came across a mysterious man and collided with him. They both fell to the floor.

“Oh my god sir,” he said. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m sorry, my prince,” said the man in reply.

“Excuse me?” Creayer asked, very surprised. How could this man possibly know that he was a prince when he was in Bianca’s form?

“Creayer! Hello!” said the man as he quickly approached him and gave him a hot slap on the face. Immediately, Creayer’s eyes turned into reptilian eyes.

“Hi Beginend!” said Creayer. “Where have you been bro? Can you tell me what’s happening here? I’m losing control of myself and this Bianca’s girl form is just exhausting.”

“Creayer, we had to change you into a normal person,” replied Beginend.

“A girl, seriously? And all this time you’ve been controlling my mind.”

“I’m sorry, bro. It was the only way we could make you get close to the chosen girl.”

“You mean Pinkie? She is the chosen one? For what?”

“Yes. She is the only person who is able to carry your baby,” Beginend told him.

“Pinkie is pregnant?” Creayer asked in shock.

“Yes, she is. She will give birth in three months’ time. But that’s not important now. Our enemy is awake and ready to attack. The first victim will probably be your Pinkie.”

“I see. How did they find out about Pinkie?”

“They were alerted by one of their spies. It seems that while we were putting together a plan to make you enter the visible world they were doing the same for some unknown reason.”

“Damn it, those bastards!” said Creayer angrily. “They are always one step ahead of us! They know everything and here I am, confused like the stupid teenage girl that you turned me into.”

“The queen will explain everything once this is over, bro. It was for your own good. Look, we have to go right now and save Pinkie.”

“OK,” said Creayer. “But this conversation isn’t over! Let’s hurry!” After he had said these words they both disappeared.


Tell us what you think: Who was the lady on the taxi? Should Pinkie have trusted her? Do you think that Creayer and Beginend really want to help Pinkie?