King Hintsa and company arrived at the council at midday. They marvelled at the beauty and resplendent sight of House Erudite. House Erudite sat in an isolated landscape, a mountain carved and chiselled to form a magnificent edifice with a constellation of waterfalls protruding and emerging out of its walls, partially embellished with weeds, weaves and roots. On top of its roof bed lay a river with two split tributaries steering the water from overflowing down the steep neighbouring slopes around House Erudite.

Their arrival and nature of their business is intercepted by the council, an autonomous government sphere responsible for the preservation, dissemination and distribution of knowledge was all knowing. King Hintsa is ushered into the halls of council chambers for an interrogation, to impress the council as to why, he, an imposter from a distant planet is worthy of the council’s help. Mother Segaciou, head of the council, projected the question to King Hintsa. All eyes in the chambers were poised at him, King Hintsa is afraid to utter a word. Mother Segaciou was growing impatient.

King Hintsa reflects on the plight born by hate back on his home planet and used it as a conduit to conjure up the following speech:

“I, King Hintsa, of planet Earth have come to this planet, Candy Bread Land, in search of the love seeds. My home planet is plagued by rampant hate which has reduced my fellow earthlings into moral decay and regress. Hate has disturbed peace manifesting its grotesque face in the form of wars, epidemics, poverty, inequality, racism, corruption, political instability, violent crimes, violence against women and children. There’s climate change, poor health, a threat to global peace and security, gender inequality and terrorism.”

He continues, “My fellow earthlings are killing and defrauding one another with impunity and contempt. I seek the love seeds for their power to purge hate and evil. I want to restore harmony and serenity in my world under the eternal driving force of love.”

Mother Segaciou and the council members are moved by King Hintsa’s speech. Mother Segaciou takes out of the Codex a map representing the coordinates to the parochial path.

She informs Hintsa, “The way to the path is intricate and not easy to reach even with the map. The path and its coordinates constantly shift in alignment with the ever-changing weather patterns of the sea. It’s tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, a paradox even we as the most refined minds can’t solve.”

She then shifts her attention to the necklace of myth and proceeds to reveal its fundamental mystery. The necklace of myth is not just a key to finding the weapons, its powers transcend this purpose. It is a weapon of great power lying dormant, waiting to be activated by the soul crystal. When the necklace is merged with the soul crystal it grants one the power to bypass the enchanted lock to the legendary weapons of power. It is alleged that the soul crystal is hidden far away in a place called, World within Worlds, a place whose existence was thought to be a myth.


Tell us: What do you think about King Hinsta’s speech about the people from earth? Is it true?