Elder Corn Pops, keeper of the necklace of myth relinquishes the necklace and hands it over to King Hintsa. Upon grabbing it for a few seconds the necklace starts to shine and points west, to where the valley of mystery lies in secret.
With this revelation, Elder Corn Pops beams with reprieve reflected on his countenance.
He interjects, exclaiming, “At long last our world has a chance to avert the imminent cataclysmic event that seems inevitably on course to engulf the whole planet and plunge it into darkness and despair. Victory is ours!”
Everyone in the room except for one, Emperor Ice Cream, enticed by the ambiance filled with joy expressed by Elder Corn Pops was incited to follow suit exclaiming at the top of their lungs “victory is ours”. While the party was chanting incessant victory, Elder Corn Pops upon noticing concern on Emperor Ice Cream’s face, exasperation reincarnated on his countenance. He taps his walking stick twice on the floor and commands the room to be silent.
Elder Corn Pops informs the party gathered at the palace about the grave danger that awaits those who will travel to the valley of myth.
“The journey to the west is macabre characterised by detrimental obstacles. To get to the west one must sail through the Sea of Terror. The Sea of Terror is treacherous, inundated with violent thunder and hail storms with a maelstrom of volatile high tides. Only a captain with exceptional sailing prowess can navigate such a voyage,” says Elder Corn Pops.
There is no one better at navigation than Captain Gunqu.
Captain Gunqu is not just an ordinary sailor, he is a gifted nobleman who possesses a host of accolades relating to many aspects of the sea. His repertoire of achievements includes the coveted title of chief ship architect for the king. He designs and oversees the manufacturing of all the ships for the royal council including the fleet for the army. He is a man who exudes confidence in dangerous situations at sea, employing his ingenuity in sailing to take advantage of violent waves and relies on his knowledge of the weather and stars to navigate a boat safely to the bay.
In the vast Sea of Terror there is a safe path one can travel to reach the other side, this path is sacred. The coordinates to its location are contained in symbols in a codex and only the Council of the Erudite can decipher. The Council of the Erudite is 15km south from the palace of the king.
King Hintsa must now travel south first in his quest for the love seeds. The king assigned to King Hintsa an entourage of his most skilled and valiant warriors; Commander Biscuit and Agent Mashmello. Captain Gunqu was promptly summoned and the content of the role he has to play on the mission was given to him. The company of four was sent on its way south, reaching a consensus that after ten days they would rendezvous on the hills of Castle Wheat for the final battle.
Tell us: Do you think they will be ready for battle within 10 days?