Prince Stoki sends one of his agents, Agent Mashmello, to call the commander of their army, Commander Biscuit. Moments later Commander Biscuit enters the palace, he is instructed to debrief King Hintsa about the nature of his mission. Commander Biscuit gives him the layout of the territory, he will later traverse in search of the love seeds. He points out that in order to curb the insurgency he will need to travel to Castle Wheat where the love seeds are locked in a box and cast away in a deep hole within the walls of the castle. Guarded 24/7 by four enemies: Two Slice, Instant Yeast, General Bread and the Tyrant Fries. He must defeat these enemies to retrieve the love seed and plant it in a suspended waterfall located in four areas across the planet, in order to eradicate the evil and expel the darkness.

Commander Biscuit implores him to be circumspect and exercise caution when engaged with the enemy. He proceeds to provide him with meticulous details about the nature of the fighting technique and abilities of the enemy.

King Hintsa learns that Two Slice is cocky and has the ability to split his body and make 10 clones maximum. Instant Yeast is more intense and driven by anger, he has the ability to expand his body to 1000 feet tall, whenever he is in contact with the sun and has reached a certain level of warmth he can activate this ability. General Bread is calmer and has the ability to control the weather. The evil Tyrant Fries is pure evil and smart, he has the ability to absorb the evil and darkness to gain the power of transmutation. With this power he can turn objects into smoke and dust with the touch of his hand.

In order to aid King Hintsa in his battle and quest for the seeds, Elder Corn Pop, keeper of the necklace of myth tells him of three mythical weapons of power. He reads Candy mythology from the book of everything sweet. According to the book there exists a faraway valley of mystery where three objects of incredible power are hidden: one is the indestructible shield of courage, two the sword of truth and three angel wings of purity.

One can only wield the shield of courage if one is brave enough to stand up for oneself, for one’s friends and those who are weak in the face of adversity. The shield of courage is an indestructible weapon with the power to destroy and demolish mountains.

In order to wield the sword of truth, one must have the value of honour and loyalty to his friends, family and teachers. The sword of truth has the power to summon lightning which it can convert into thunder bolts, it also has the power to summon fire which it can convert into fire balls.

To control the angel wings of purity one must be a peace-loving person, must have love for all of humanity, love for the environment — no littering and pollution. The angel wings grants one the ability to fly, they glow in the dark and when flapped they can produce shockwaves that can knock out an enemy and also create portals.

The valley of mystery has never been found. It is written that the key to its location is the necklace of myth. According to legendry book, Everything Sweet, the necklace of myth when in the hands of the person worthy to wield the three objects will radiate light pointing to the location of the valley of myth.


Tell us: What in your opinion is the most powerful weapon between the three?