Just as he was about to ask Freedom a question, there came a bird with four legs. Freedom didn’t waste time, he took John by the hand and they jumped on the bird. It flew them to where Freedom lived with his family, in a huge family tree house.

“Welcome to my house, John,” said freedom, “this is where I live with my family.”

“Where are your parents?” John asked curiously.

“We don’t have parents,” Freedom answered.

“You mean you live by yourselves in this whole kingdom?”

“Yes John, we never grow up and we never change. We remain kids forever.”

“Wow, that’s super cool. That means you get to play and eat sweets whenever you like?”

“Yes we do. You see, here there is no winter, spring or autumn, it’s always summer. Kids here are always free to run with their imagination without parents interrupting them. We are always smiling and playing. We also have schools here but there is no limit to our imagination.”

“Cool! You must be very happy to be the king of this wonderful kingdom,” said John. “So do you have cities here in Kiki?”


“I’ve never been to a city before, I’m from a farm,” said John.

“Angel!” Freedom called and the four-legged bird appeared.

The boys jumped on and they first went to the river of milk and honey. Freedom jumped down and laid flat on his stomach and drank from the river.

“Come on John, don’t be shy, this is your home too.”

John joined the party and drank. It was real milk and honey! He drank again and again until he was full. Then John and his new friend flew all over Kiki Land to the city where kids ate and played all day, every day.

In the city John saw the only different kid from all those he had met. He asked Freedom why was that kid the only one who was fat. Freedom burst out laughing and John joined in; they both laughed till their stomachs hurt.

“Well, let’s go find out, shall we?”

“Hello Extra,” Freedom greeted the fat boy.

“Hello my king, how are you? It’s such an honour to see you,” said Extra. “Who’s this guy? I’ve never seen him before. Do you want some burgers?”

“Please make it two and some strawberry milkshakes,” said Freedom.

“Are you kidding me, I’d eat eight burgers at the same time. They’re so delicious,” said Extra and they all laughed.

After eating, the boys played.

“John! John!” his father Nathan, called coming in from the front door. “Get over here, you know you’re supposed to be milking the cows and not daydreaming.”

And just like that John was back to reality. He stood up with a smile, put his boots on and marched to the kraal.

“Are you OK John?” his father asked.

“Yes sir,” came the swift reply.

“Good, then get on with it,” said his father.


Tell us: Do you think John will ever return?