I never had the idea that one day I’d meet him again. I thought I would be agitated by his presence but I was surprised with my calmness. Alison excused herself immediately. I thought she was going to take me with but she had to leave me with this man in front of me. He was staring at me as though he’d never seen me before and as if he was lost.

“Hi,” I smiled breaking the silence. There was too much awkwardness in the atmosphere.

“How do u manage to smile after everything I put you through?” he seemed uncomfortable.

“How is life Joshua, or should I say hubby. You know were still husband and wife right?”

He smiled for the first time with tears in his eyes. I felt sorry for him.

“My life has been a mess, Goodness. But I am here with good intentions. First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your book. You are strongest person I’ve ever met in my life. I know I wronged you and I am really sorry for that. I know my apology will not amount to whatever I did to you and my excuses will not justify my actions but at least I owe you an explanation. I was forced to do whatever I did to you to prove to the guys that I am a man but in the process I didn’t know I was being a coward. I failed us and most of all I failed you. I failed my responsibility and duty to take care of you. I damaged you and made you lose your way. But in all you should know that I loved you and I still love you but I know we can never be after everything I put you through. You deserve better and not a man whose actions do not match his words. You need a man who will love you and not destroy you, a man who will help you achieve your dreams and not a man who will take them away from you. Selling you to those people was not part of the plan and I did not do it for money trust me. If I didn’t do that, they were going to kill you so it was better having you alive somewhere where I could rescue you later. And it took two months to do that. I know I was late and I knew you would never want to see my face again so I kept my distance. I was so inspired to know that you have managed to write about it all. If you want, you can call the police to arrest me because I know as much as you know that I deserve a punishment for all the pain I caused you. And to come to think of it, the punishment is nothing close to the pain I inflicted. I am not here to ask for your forgiveness but I am here to tell you how sorry I am and how I wish I could’ve done things differently maybe I’d still have you. I hope you are happy because if you are then I’ll be happy too. I am a changed man now, I got help and I am better. I promised myself and I am promising you now that I will never touch any other woman in my life. You were the first and the last and I happened to ruin that. That’s all I wanted to tell you. I love you and I would like to give you a child. We are still married right?” he concluded, joking in the end.

I chuckled a little much to the disagreement of Ali who was watching from a far.

“Wait what did you say about rescuing me?” That was the only part of his confession that I had not understood.

“I sent Dave after you in Mexico. I wouldn’t leave with the burden of selling you. I just couldn’t move on, live like none of this never happened. So I spoke to Dave and told him where he would find you. He promised to bring you back and told me that he would see to it that my case didn’t go any further. I assume he told you they had pressed charges right?”

I nodded and remained silent to make him continue.

“Yeah, so that’s what happened. I am just glad that you are alright. That puts my spirit at ease and you never know I might be able to sleep at night now.”

We were both in tears and I never realised I was in the comfort of his arms. I wanted to break free but I loved the feeling I got.

“Look, I forgave you long ago. I made peace with whatever happened and learnt a lesson from each scenario. And I will give you a basketball team one day,” we both laughed in tears, “I am happy that you got help and now you are a different person. And I think I am starting to like the new you. I never thought you would send someone to rescue me after everything. I hate that I still love you after everything.” His eyes lit up as I said that.

“You left me and now you’re back but I can’t forget how broken I was when you left. Goodbye Joshua we’ll see each other around,” I stared into his eyes and I could see a broken soul.

I kissed him and that was never part of the plan. It was getting intense so I pulled back. It left us both breathless.

“Have a good life,” it came out as a whisper.

I made my way to where Ali was. She was all smiles. I wonder what was making her smile like that.

“Girl, I love you. Come here let me give you a hug,” she said.

“I’ll let it pass,” I replied.

“Okay boss, as you wish” I could tell she was irritated.


Tell us: Do you think she should give Joshua a second chance?