Without hesitation, the Easter holidays approached. My girlfriend and I knew that the secret would soon be out. Her mom would return from South Africa. She would immediately wonder about what had happened to her beloved daughter’s stomach when it was looking like a huge watermelon. Would she be as understanding as I had thought? It remained unknown to me. But I felt pity for my girlfriend. She would be alone when facing her fuming mother. Would she tell her who had caused damage to her once-flat belly? I would just have to wait and see.

When I broke away with her that evening, I gave her my mother’s cell phone number. Perhaps that would save her, I thought.

“Give them to her for in case she needs them,” I said.

It was the only defence mechanism I had for her. It was a few hours before her mother could set foot home.

My mom was away on a religious journey when she received an anonymous call from my girlfriend’s mother, “Did your son tell you what he did to my daughter?”

“No, he didn’t?” asked my mom surprisingly. She didn’t know that she was referring to me when she said, “your son.” Mom had many boys in the family and she asked her to be specific. Then she uttered my name. My mom trusted me and she never thought I could do that. She was shocked.

“He didn’t tell me anything,” mom replied.

“He impregnated my daughter,” my girlfriend’s mom explained.

Mom didn’t know what to say but she assured her that she’d tell my father.

Mom decided to call me before she got home. I didn’t deny anything. When she arrived home she told my father about everything. I was then called in their room to be questioned in front of my father. I pleaded guilty. This surprised them a great deal because normally other boys refused to take the responsibility. For me, this was different. I was a mature guy, old enough to take responsibility.

After a couple of days, my girlfriend’s family members, including her mom, were invited to my home to meet my parents and to discuss a way forward. Their talk went smoothly. Then I was called in so that visitors could see me. I was a bit shy to meet my mother-in-law to be. I greeted them. Thereafter, I left the house. I felt relieved. It was agreed that her daughter would be taken care of while her mother was away.

However, before she could move in, she went for a check-up at the clinic, it was discovered that her blood pressure was high. Thus she was to be hospitalised as soon as she arrived.

While there, I made a decision to always be closer to her. I supported and encouraged her. It was a difficult moment for her because she never saw this coming. At times she lost hope and patience. She spent approximately one month at the hospital.

At last, it was time for her to go into labour. She told me about it. She was a bit scared. I had mixed feelings. “Will she survive?” I asked myself.


Tell us: Do you think that giving birth is a scary thing?