Love Day

The day of meeting at the park had arrived, the day when I would get to meet up with the girl I loved with all my heart. To me she was the girl of my dream, my smile keeper and the girl who gave me a reason to wake up every day smiling.

I woke early in the morning. I took a deep breath and I could feel that today was my lucky day of being with Belinda. I just had to brush my teeth, be clean and smell great. I put on my best outfit and rushed straight to the park, where I found a beautiful lady with a beautiful smile waiting for me.

I had no words to say to her.. I was awed by her appearance and her beauty got me dabbing my eyes.

“Hey Belinda,” I greeted her.

“Hey Quest,” she greeted me back.

“Wow you looking beautiful as always girl,” I said, trying to impress her.

Lucky for me she was impressed as she gave me a compliment on what I was wearing and said that I was looking handsome.

Time passed and she and I were soon sharing our own different perspectives on life and it’s fairy tales and inventions.

The conversation made me want to ask about whether or not she was going to give me a chance to be with her.

I stood up and looked her into the eye as I asked, “Belinda, I know I have asked you a question, and I have been waiting for an answer from you for a while.”

She was so caught up into the moment as she was never expecting me to pop the question. She never hesitated to respond to me, all the glittering smiles started as we would look at each other and laugh. I swear it was just a moment of love.

She then looked at me into the eye and said, “Look Quest I know you have been longing for this moment and that you have been trying so hard for me to love you.“

I smiled and she went on, “Now this is the day I tell you that I love you and I will let you love me and respect me like you said.”

Finally, Belinda agreed and admitted that she loved me, this was the greatest time of my life, getting to have the girl of my dream by my side was my first success.

My mom would be so proud of her young man as he was able to stand up and let his heart out for a girl he loved.

To me, it was all about finding her love and having a place in her heart. Luckily enough I did it and my life became a dream come true.


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