The Boy Talks
She was the best thing I had ever seen, her beauty made me go crazy. I was awed by the kind of person she was, her personality.
I didn’t know how was I going to approach her, though. She was like an angel and all I could do every single day was think about her. I was so hooked, I couldn’t resist my love for her but It wasn’t easy to tell her how I felt about her.
She was so beautiful you’d swear stars worshiped her, I mean nobody could have blamed me for feeling the way I felt about her. All I wanted to do was to be with her.
Spending a day without seeing her face was like a punch to my face, which was a bad thing to me because I would go to sleep with a broken heart.
As time passed by, I learnt that she had left town. I couldn’t believe it; I couldn’t bear the pain of not seeing her face but I had to deal with it.
After a few days, she came back to town and I was so happy, at last! I was able to smile once again. Her presence changed me, my personality, my attitude, and my life.
I decided to learn a few things about her. From what I heard, I got to know that she liked guys with great personalities and those who are a little bit of a gentleman.
Getting to learn that really got me to change. I definitely had to change for her. I changed my dress code and the way I did things. I really became a gentleman just for her to pay attention to me.
Finally, the day I’d been waiting for arrived. I’ll never forget that day. For some reason my mom had decided to send me to get her some kitchen stuff from a general dealer a few blocks from my house. She usually went there herself every time she needed something. I got up and went to the shop.
As I got to the first aisle in the shop, there she was! Her beauty made me stand and stare at her for a while but I had to stop before I got caught. My heart started beating really fast. I had to conceal myself because I knew I wouldn’t be able to talk to her or be able to face her. I had no guts to do all of that.
I was at the third aisle far from the door. I thought she wouldn’t be able to recognize me and I was safe, but no Iwas only deceiving myself by trying to be deceitful towards her. She was looking for chicken and she couldn’t find it.She asked the shop owner where it was, he directed her to the third aisle, where I was. I had to take a deep breath. I made a quick prayer, begging God for her not to talk to me or even greet me.
There she was, headed straight to where I was. I pretended like I was reading the contents on the barbeque spice that I had on my hand. That was a funny moment of me being childish.
She wasted no time, she approached me and greeted me straight away. “Hey quest, how are you doing?”
And I had to respond, (that wasn’t easy but I guess I had to) “Hey Belinda, I’m fine and you?” I wanted to ask her to give me cellphone numbers but suddenly it became a whim and I had to drop a part of me asking her numbers. “Umm… see you around…” I turned and walked away. Was I being delusional or was it fear that held me?
I had to rush back home as my mother was waiting for her stuff. I was so disappointed in myself, how could I let myself down like that?
I mumbled all the way back home. How could I have been so stupid and let an opportunity like that slip through my fingers?
Finally, I got home. When I gave my mother her stuff, she noticed that something was wrong with me, so she asked me to take a sit and tell her what was going on.
I exclaimed while explaining what went wrong and how I couldn’t be a man and stand up for myself.
She gave me a piece of advice, she told me that I had to stand up for myself and that no one was going to stand up for me every time but I had to do it myself. She advised me to tell Belinda how I felt about her and how much I loved her.
I had been longing for someone to give me some advice on what to do. I had to stand firm and swallow my pride and go tell her how I felt about her.
I did not waste any time, I got up and went straight to tell her how much I felt about her.
Tell us: How do you think she will respond to him?