Day 5 : Monday. First term closes and we are at home. Phedzi  5 days after having my unpleasant dream, I still have questions in my head about the dream. Worst of all what did Gugu Khakhathi mean? I could ask him but knowing him he might say something like “we wear different kinds of disguises but the truth always prevails”. Of which will make me ask myself a lot of questions ,Ai. What  does deceit mean? I looked for it’s meaning in my dictionary and it means lying to people and tricking them. Yhuwi, but who is that man I saw? Why would he take me to a forest? Why didn’t I see his face? All this thinking makes me hungry because ‘the man without a face’ reminds me of a headless chicken (hee hee). The day goes by with me still thinking about the ‘man without a face’.


Day 6: Tuesday. I am still thinking of ‘the man without a face’. Yhuwi! My head is just boiling hot from thinking a lot. The last time my brain was so hot was when I had to sum up 151 +151.I now have to ‘sum’ up who ‘the man without a face’ is. At this point I will go crazy very soon! Sharon is mad at me because when we play together I end up thinking about my dream and zone out. Well she will have to forgive me. I am now a detective (hee hee), Detective Rhonewa ‘find-out’ Manyanga (hee hee).


Day 7: Wednesday. “People of Kha-Thedza. Come near!!! (ha ha ha)”. This was so loud and deep that it pierced my ears! “Rhonewa muthanga,  yey who is it?” Gugu Khakhathi said with a very puzzled and furious face. He wasn’t the only angry one,  I was also angry because your detective still hadn’t cracked his dream case, oh well. “Let’s see, Gugu.” I responded.


 We went outside to check what was going on and surprise surprise! We couldn’t believe what we saw. It was like it was a grand party! Flyers flying majestically in the air, Streamers shading the whole area, soaring in the air and a giant bus which had a huge face of this strange man on it. ‘PROPHET BinduTheBeneficient’ that’s what was written on the bus, He approached me and Gugu Khakhathi. Showing us his pearly white teeth,  laughing at everything. “Ndaa! I am Prophet BinduTheBeneficient,  I am going to open a church here In Kha-Thedza ,ha ha ha. Feel free to visit my church, it’s necessary ( ha ha ha)” he said with a distasteful, dry laugh. With his deep, muscular voice. His invitation was strange. Gugu Khakhathi just looked at him and said that him and I should go back to our house. We went in and I peeped through our giant window, looking at the so called Prophet BinduTheBene whatever. He continued to wave at everyone, ever smiling as if he was advertising toothpaste (hee hee). Everyone in Kha-Thedza just gazed at him. As though he cast a spell on all of them. As I thought to myself,  how do you gaze at a stranger? (hee hee). In that moment, I quickly remembered my dream… The only conformation of this “spirit of deceit” would be for me to see his body structure but I couldn’t because he was surround by so many people, could this so called Prophet BinduTheBeneficient be the one??? Is he ‘the man without a face’ from my dream???