The battle still went on. I would pray, fast, have strong, unshakeable faith as I read from the Holy book. It was hard however I was not doing this just for me but for the people of Kha-Thedza as well. We do not need dark imposters!!!
On the 3rd day, during my prayer I saw lighting come my way, I prayed for it to never get to me. That had me scared. Boom! A great noise hit. Everyone in Kha-Thedza went out to see and there it was, Yhuwi! Prophet BinduTheBeneficient’s church was destroyed! We went to check if all was alright. I thought to myself, using his dark magic he probably wanted to harm me but he failed. I thank God! I went to check behind the church.
I couldn’t believe what I saw. Prophet BinduTheBeneficient was a black cat and Spykos was now human. Now he wasn’t controlled and ordered around, he was free! Yes!!! Finally! The war is over and best of all Gugu Khakhathi is back! And because I was able to ‘see-through’ “Prophet BinduTheBeneficient” and end his evil reign on my people of Kha-Thedza, I saved us all . Yes, myself included (hee hee).
So because Prophet BinduTheBeneficient treated Spykos badly, with time Spykos treated BinduTheBeneficient cat (hee hee) very badly as well. I do not condone revenge but talk about payback time (hee hee).