A month after Prophet BinduTheBene whatever arrived in our village, his religious abilities spread like a wildfire. People around here also make it slightly easy  for me to trust him because apparently he performs miracles in his church. Now that is something which is very unusual but so cool. Not ignoring Gugu Khakhathi’s view of him and my gut feeling, of course. I still felt like there’s more to him than we think we know. I do not trust him fully. He performs great miracles so he is somewhat righteous though.  Feeling good about that, I ask Gugu Khakhathi if ever we can go to Prophet BinduTheBene whatever church. Ebho! How odd everyone,  literary everyone in our village attends his church but we are the only household that does not. Basically the only 2 people in Kha-Thedza who don’t attend his church services. “Rhonewa,  muthanga Feel free to go however I will not go because I am grown, I need to rest today. You can go, I’m 90 years old not 12 like you, so I cannot travel a lot, hee hee.” Gugu Khakhathi responded to me. That sounded like an excuse for some strange reason… 


Oh well, his loss. I arrived at the church. Yhuwi, Yhuwi, Yhuwi! I have never seen such a lavish place. It was a big, white tent that had a big pulpit at it’s centre. It was neatly packed with white, fluffy chairs for the church members. There was also a musical band playing behind the big pulpit. Yhuwi,  I literally stood amazed for 10 minutes, with my mouth open wide as though I’m inviting flies in (hee hee). “Oh, Rhonewa, my dear son, come and worship, ha ha ha.” said Prophet BinduTheBeneficient. “Indeed, Prophet.” I responded with a wide smile. The church service started and I felt very odd. The way the members of this church would do as he says without thinking twice scared me. I felt that something was strange… Moments later, I ignored that feeling and listened to his sermon. As I was listening I saw something that looked like a black cat moving around, behind the Prophet. Maybe I’m tired? I  don’t know.  Church ended and I went home. 


When I got home, Gugu Khakhathi was not there. Ebho! Where did he go? Sharon came in and told me that Gugu Khakhathi left in a hurry to visit his relatives in town, it happens.  He would leave whenever they were extremely unwell. Oh well! he will return in a few days. Time flies by and it’s time for me to sleep. “Knock knock knock!” I check the time… It’s 11 o’clock in the night. Who visit at such an hour? I check the door, it’s a boy. “Ndaa, my name is Spykos I thought since you are home alone, I should keep you company.” Ebho! I don’t even know this person! “I don’t allow strangers in, Goodbye.” I respond. Well, eventually I ended up letting him in because apparently Gugu Khakhathi sent him to me. Strange enough with time me and Spykos became best friends.  Even though he has a scar on his left ear and walks very strangely, I don’t mind that. He is my best friend.  


A month later : You never expected this! When I visited Prophet BinduTheBeneficient’s church service I saw Spykos going behind the church.  I wanted to call him so we stay together so I followed him. And boom! “Tshimange, Tshimange do my work. Tshimange, Tshimange do as I say” Boom my friend, Spykos turned into a black cat. It all makes sense now! The black cat I saw the first time I came here was Spykos. He is a shape-shifting black cat. Spykos also has a strange walk and a mark on his left ear. Yhuwi! Prophet BinduTheBeneficient has been using Spykos  all along. But why?