Boledi wanted to protest but there was no use, he was right and it was better in the mountains on their favourite spot than at the house where all eyes would be on them. Noko’s touch was gentle, much gentler than that of Nare who only used her body to satisfy his sexual hunger. He never cared about her needs and at other times, he was so rough that one thing that both a man and woman enjoyed in bed, it became the very thing she dreaded.

In unhurried movements Noko slowly undressed her, kissing each and every exposed flesh of her skin. And since Boledi had never had any man pay that much attention to her or her body, she felt a thrill she never imagined she would feel in her entire life. She felt stuck married to the wrong brother. She wished so many times in the past that she could reverse her decision.

In some way, Noko genuinely looked to have cared about her as they grew in their friendship, after their siblings were married. But Noko didn’t look to want to settle down, always had big dreams. He wanted to be an engineer, and build or make things. He was what he always wanted and seemed to enjoy his work in the big city lights, Gauteng.

Boledi once had such dreams about herself being something important someday. She didn’t want to simply be someone’s wife or mother. But after both her parents lost their precious child, she couldn’t well refuse their plea. They beseechingly asked her to marry Nare and raise Mabotse’s child as their own and as much as she wanted to refuse, she had said yes. She had never been the favourite daughter; the one with a beautiful melodious voice that always made people sigh with pleasure at church but she wanted her parents to be proud of her too.

She was one of those with big eyes and a body as a little girl. She didn’t like to do any girly things like sewing, cleaning, washing dishes or even dressing up. She would rather be out in the mountains playing or chasing cows in the fields with the boys, swimming in the river, climbing trees and dreaming of traveling to the faraway places. And strangely enough, she felt like she was reliving that life and those dreams now in Noko’s arms. He made her moan with excitements from every touch, kiss and caress of his hands and body.

It was two days of bliss and guilt in the moments they were or weren’t together. Noko left without saying much to Boledi a day before Nare was supposed to return. There wasn’t much to say because as they spent time together, they both realised that there was more between the two of them and those stolen moments weren’t enough. And there was nothing to be done because they both had different lives to lead.

“This is supposed to be all clinical you know,” Noko said when they were getting dressed on their last day together. “Things between us are awkward because we can’t build anything here and things between us have definitely changed.”

“Yes, I am aware of that,” Boledi whispered. She was getting dressed and feeling depressed already that Noko was leaving. And the things that he was saying made her heart contract painfully in her chest. He was right, but she wished with all her heart that he wasn’t. But even though she was deeply sad, she was partly happy that she had known what being with a good man felt like, even if it was too brief.

She stood up, walked close to him and he looked down at her from his tall structure. He looked stressed, ridden with regret and guilt. She touched his handsome face. Noko put his hand on hers, on his cheek as if to remove it, but ended up keeping it there momentarily, sighing and taking her fingers to kiss them. Boledi sighed with pleasure and smiled, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. In only two days, she knew what it felt like to kiss a man instead of imagining or reading about it. She was happy that Noko was the one to teach her.


Tell us: What do you think of Noko seeing his brother’s wife behind his back?