The time is 14:45. When MaNkosi called Sabelo earlier on, he said they would arrive around 15:00.

The aroma of delicious food hangs in the air. The dining-room table is set beautifully. MaNkosi took out her expensive cutlery, the kind used only for special occasions. Mr Nkosi is wearing his favourite brown suit. His black shoes are shinning. You can use them as a mirror. MaNkosi is wearing her loose red dress and white shoes. A red and white flowered head wrap is covering her grey hair. She keeps going to the bedroom every two minutes to check herselfoon the mirror.

“MaNkosi, if I didn’t know better, I would swear you were the makoti we are expecting!” jokes Mr Nkosi.

“Unlike you, baba, I know how to take care of myself. I have to look good for our makoti!”

There is a knock on the door. MaNkosi jumps up from her chair to open the door, to Mr Nkosi’s amusement.

“Hawu! MaShange and MaZulu! It’s you guys. I thought it was our guests. Come in,” says MaNkosi, with some disappointment.

The two women laugh as they walk towards the table to take their seats.

“Mmmmm…the food smells so good. Can’t we just dish up already!” jokes MaShange.

“Hold your horses, MaShange! You didn’t even come to help us cook,” says MaNkosi.

They all laugh.

Through the window, Mr Nkosi sees a red Golf 7 stopping in front of his gate. Sabelo jumps out from the passenger seat to open the gate.

“They are here,” says Mr Nkosi.

There is more excitement in the dining room. MaNkosi runs to the bedroom to check herself one more time in the dressing-table mirror.

Sabelo walks in first. Before he can greet everyone, MaNkosi gives him a bear hug. A nervous looking Leko, in skinny jeans and a crop top, walks in after him. MaNkosi looks at him from head to toe, before hugging him as well.

The guests, MaZulu and MaShange give each other telling looks.

“Sabelo! You can be so careless sometimes my son. Why did you not tell us you were bringing a guest other than umakoti?” asks MaNkosi.

“Ma! You won’t even let me sit down, greet everyone properly, and introduce our guest before bombarding me with questions!”

Everyone laughs, except Mr Nkosi, who has his eyes fixed on a nervous Leko.


Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next? Motivate your answer