Three months ago, Luther and I had a day at the beach which was quite different than the others. We were with our friend Martin, a cool guy, very funny, and a hit with the ladies. I liked him a bit more than Luther did though, the reason being his “selfishness”. I didn’t see it until it was too late – a precious life had been lost.

On that day at the beach, we stumbled across something interesting while we were doing our routine shell search – or at least our metal detector did. With the loudness of the metal detector, quite louder than usual, we were too intrigued to just let it go. After a while of digging, we stumbled across something unbelievable – an amazing, shiny, and definitely valuable gold necklace.

The necklace that we found was no ordinary gold necklace. It was top-of-the-range.

Immediately our teenage minds came to think “pawn shop!” but Martin had another idea. He said that we should keep it instead, and wait until we really needed money and only then, cash in at a proper jeweller who would give us good cash. He even ascertained that Luther should be the one who kept the necklace safe as he was the most responsible between the three of us.

So that’s what he did.

Even though we agreed that it was the best thing to do, Luther found it quite odd that Martin was so careful-thinking and unselfish in that situation. Even I found it a bit weird. Nonetheless, it was the best idea and I didn’t think much of it. Luther kept the necklace hidden in a well-locked box in a secret hole in his room. It was hidden quite well, and if he hadn’t told you where it was, there was no chance you could stumble upon it. Not even my mom knew with her thorough cleaning.

I knew exactly where it was though. So even through all the investigations, the fingerprint samples and police interrogations, I had one thing on my mind. I had to get inside the crime scene late at night when the family was sleeping. I snuck past the police tape and entered Luther’s room, good thing I had a spare key, that he didn’t know about.

I entered and immediately did what I set out to do. I found the safe, entered the code, and got ready to find out if I was right. Unfortunately, I was.

The safe was empty.

As soon as I looked inside, I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. It was a mix of heartbreak, betrayal and anger. I had never thought that an empty space could evoke such strong emotions within me. I was now absolutely sure who had killed my brother and I was going to get revenge.

Martin’s house was just two blocks away from us, just a 10 minute walk, but I got there in under 5. I was angry, scorned, and filled with malicious intent. I was looking for blood. I didn’t think twice about it, Martin needed to pay. It was pointless telling the police or even my parents about my findings, as the necklace was a secret and Martin was too smart to leave any incriminating evidence. This was a one-man job; a twin needing to avenge the other.

It was school vacation time and his parents’ car was not in the garage – the perfect time to confront Martin. I didn’t bother knocking, I opened the door and my eyes met a lit television screen, so I ascertained that he must be home. Martin loved playing video games in his room, so there I went.

It was all happening so fast; a death, a finding, a confrontation. I was now in the devil’s lair, but home advantage is quite a strong thing.

I opened the door. Sure enough, Martin was there. The flat screen was switched on, the computer was roaring with energy, but the seat was empty.

Martin was standing next to the bed and there was something in his hand. It was not a game controller at all, but something not meant to be played with – a 9mm revolver. It was a beast of a gun, almost sure to end someone’s life if a bullet hit at the right place. It was firmly in his grip, facing downwards, but ready to be aimed at an unfortunate target.


Tell us: Do you think it’s safe for Mason to confront Martin by himself?