I saw Cyrus kissing a coloured boy with an afro just like mine except he’s was blonde. I felt my entire world break in two. I dropped the painting he gave me and it shattered into little pieces.
Cyrus called out to me but I didn’t answer. I knew he was going to give me one of those fake explanations and I could see with my own two eyes what was happening. I just ran away as the bell had rung and I went home.
I ate lunch very quickly and I ran upstairs to my room and began to cry. For the first time I counted teardrops. So many fell and my eyes began to swell. I wiped them away and thought, It’s no use crying over spilt milk. He was just playing you. Cheer up Likumbi, because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I began to work on the song I was going to sing at the school talent show the following day and by the time I had finished working on it, it was already dark outside.
The following day, I prepared for school and carried my acoustic guitar with me.
When I arrived in class we were told by Mr. Mack that there wouldn’t be any learning that day just talent showcasing. When the show began, the place looked great, like the X-factor, except with Trident High’s logo.
Many performers were called and finally it was my turn.
“Please welcome to the stage, Likumbi Marshall!”
I stepped up and began to play my guitar and started to sing, “I learned from the best” by Whitney Houston. I looked at Cyrus with an angry look on my face while I was singing. The chorus of the song goes like this:
“And so you know the way it feels to cry, the way that I cried when you broke my world in two. And baby I love the way to break your heart. I learnt from the best. I learnt from you, oh baby yeah. I learnt from you.”
I saw tears fall from Cyrus’s eyes. There was wild cheering when I was done. To be honest I felt good to tell him what I felt inside, I told him in song form. I just hoped my life became completely Cyrus-free. I also hoped Cyrus had learnt his lesson that he mustn’t play with another person’s feelings. It’s just wrong. If you mess with the snake, you get the fangs.
When it was time to knock off, I carried my acoustic guitar with me, happily knowing that I had removed the trash out of my life. Just like Nicki Minaj said, “you got to exhale the bullshit.” And that’s what I did, I had exhaled Cyrus out of my life forever.
I played ‘Viva forever’ by The Spice Girls and met Ken and Roxy. We merrily walked home while humming along to the tune. In my heart I hoped Cyrus died slowly of an unknown disease,
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