
I arrived at home after Likumbi and I shoplifted some nachos. It was so fun and romantic to me. After that we ate the nachos we both stole while walking to school, I heard the most beautiful laughter coming from this boy. It was so soft and firm at the same time.

I moved so close to him and he didn’t mind it. After that I moved even closer and hugged him. I wanted to kiss him but I thought it was too soon. I mean we weren’t a couple yet. I hugged him and I could feel his heart beat against mine. I liked the smell of his afro, it smelt like vanilla ice-cream, so lovely.

When we arrived outside school we exchanged numbers on the palms of our hands. So amazing! He blew my mind with that cute African face and look.

When I got home I was watching Beauty and the Beast and texting friends on WhatsApp when a message from Likumbi popped up on my screen. I read it and we started chatting and I told him I like him like. I sent him a Spanish text and he replied in Spanish. Oh my goodness he speaks Spanish too, I was so happy.

I texted him, “I love you” in Spanish and he texted me, “I love you, until tomorrow, bye.” In Spanish. Wow he is so cute and hot.

I went to my art room and painted a picture of the two us eating nachos and smiling. I painted his black eyes so lovely and realistic and added swirls of black for his afro. When I was done it was, voila! A master piece, I took a picture of it and made it my screen saver.

When I went to sleep, I turned my phone on and stared at the picture of my painting and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.



Later that day I went to bed and I had a dream of Cyrus and me on the beach wearing nothing but boxers. We were playing tag and it was raining periwinkle petals. I woke up from my dream, it was already morning.

I went downstairs already ready for school. I ate breakfast and Roxy, Ken and I walked to school that day. Dad didn’t take us to school because he wanted to have some ‘quality time’ with mom.

I walked in and I saw Cyrus. I said bye to Ken and Roxy as they walked to class. I quickly ran to Cyrus and hugged him.

“Good morn…” Cyrus said, but before he could finish saying whatever he was saying, I connected my lips with his. It was a long French kiss and I pulled back.

“Hi,” I said with a smile.

“Hey, I have a gift for you,” he said.

As soon as he said that he pulled out a wrapped up rectangular thingy with a bow on it.

“Bye, I’ll talk to you later.” Cyrus said and he left.

Before I could examine the gift properly, the bell rang. . I shoved the gift in my bag and ran to class. Class was, well, I don’t know to be honest. I was too busy thinking about Cyrus and the dream. I had to concentrate on whatever was being taught. I only listened when Mr. Mack, my music teacher, said there was going to be a talent show at school. I knew exactly what I was going to do. When it was lunch time I went to the cafeteria and sat down. I opened my bag and pulled out the gift Cyrus had given me. I carefully began unwrapping the wrapper it was in, in a way that didn’t attract attention. I took it out and saw the most beautiful thing; a lovely framed painting of me and him from the day the both of us stole nachos. I pressed it against my heart and smiled.

But I waited for Cyrus and he didn’t come. I looked for him in his classroom but his classmates told me that he wasn’t there. I felt so shocked and heartbroken. When the bell rang I walked back to class sadly with the painting pressed against my chest with both hands.

As I walked back to class, I saw the most shocking thing ever…



Well when I gave Likumbi the gift I made him, I left him to check it out while I went to my other boyfriend, Ben. Ben was a cuter and hotter version of Likumbi. I mean Likumbi is fun and all but Ben, Ben is the total package.

I couldn’t pay much attention in class because I wanted to see Ben again. Likumbi was now old news and Ben was the next huge thing. He had smooth brown skin and huge brown eyes and he has a blonde afro, much better than Likumbi’s.

At lunch time I told all my classmates to tell that freak Likumbi that I wasn’t there. I went to spend time with Ben, oh, and just so you know, that painting of Likumbi and I is no longer my screen saver. When I saw Ben I felt happy and excited. We talked about lots of things including how I was playing Likumbi.

“Ha, he’s dumber than he looks, he thinks you like him!” Ben said excitedly.

Ben grabbed my index finger and pulled me toward the lockers in the hallway and he pushed me towards his locker and began to kiss me passionately, I was enjoying it until, I saw Likumbi looking at us.

He had a shocked look on his face. Tears began to flow from his eyes, which were now becoming red, he dropped the painting I gave him and the frame shattered in a million pieces.

I called out his name but he ran away, I wanted to give him a fake explanation but it was no use. He just ran with his afro swinging side to side with every step he took. I kind-of felt sorry for Likumbi and at the same time felt good for breaking another heart. I broke lots of hearts and I did it all for fun.

I continued kissing Ben because calling out to Likumbi would be of no use.

Back home I sent Likumbi a text on WhatsApp saying sorry and pleaded with him to make me his boyfriend again.

“I’m not mad at you as a matter of fact I’m happy for you, so go find yourself another fool to fall for you.” That was the answer I got in response, with a huge angry face emoji.

Tears fell from my eyes. I regretted cheating on him, he was the best thing I ever had. At that moment I wished I could rewind time and undo what I had done but it was too late. He had made up his mind.

When I went to sleep I played “Thank you next” by Ariana Grande on my mp3 player and drifted off to sleep.


Tell us: Do you think Likumbi should give Cyrus a second chance?