A few days ago my father said he was going to Africa to get our new relatives. Yeah, whatever, when I heard the words African relatives I began to imagine people who were dressed in animal skins and had the ability to communicate with animals.
A week later, he came back and when he opened the door I saw this tall good-looking boy with an afro that framed his face he wore a huge black T-shirt, red skinny jeans and black flat shoes. Something about his appearance told me he was gay. But hey, who am I to judge? I saw another pretty woman who looked like Mariah Carey. She also looked a lot like the boy with the afro.
At dinner time I wanted to ask them if they could talk to animals but I thought that would be rude.
There were so many questions flowing through my head and finally I couldn’t keep them in so I asked and Likumbi, the boy with the afro answered. He began to explain Africa in detail; he was like an African Google map. He cracked a few jokes that we all laughed at. I think he is going to fit in perfectly.
I went to my room while. Ken and my new brother shared a room. I hope all goes well with him and our new mom.
The following day I was told that I was starting school at Trident High School, one of the fancy private schools.
I went to the kitchen and hugged my mom goodbye. Ken, Roxy and I walked to the car outside. We all climbed in and found Ron, waiting.
“Good morning,” he greeted happily.
“Good morning daddy,” we responded.
The thought of having a dad made me feel warm and happy inside.
When we arrived we said our goodbyes and headed for the school gate. I saw a cute muscular white boy with green eyes. From what I had heard he was a football player. I knew I was gay ever since I was young. I had affection for older men. One day I had a dream about a hunky man we were both naked and… well, you can imagine what happened.
I forced myself to look away from his dreamy body. I quickly ran to my siblings and they began to show me around the school. I was given room G14 as my permanent grade ten classroom. I saw a guy who kept on staring at me. His name was Jack. I could tell he was a bully. At lunchtime, he came up to me with his friend, Tom. I didn’t know how he found out I was gay but he started to hit my head against my locker.
“We hate people like you and don’t you forget it!” he said.
I could feel the pain running down my spine. The last thing I remember seeing was the hot guy I saw earlier that morning. I tasted the blood that was flowing from my bleeding nose and I passed out, right in front of my locker.
I woke up today and I was going back to hell, I mean school. Sometimes, I can’t tell the difference. At school all the lessons sucked and sometimes I didn’t like the way the hallways got crowded. I like it when it’s quiet; when it was just me.
Earlier this morning I was walking towards the school gates when I saw this cute African boy with a very big afro. I know what you’re thinking: gay. I don’t care. I knew I was gay when I was thirteen. I would get drunk and make out with other boys.
I tried not to concentrate so much on his kinky hair. I forced my eyes away from the magnetic field that was pulling me closer to look at his face.
In class, I saw Jack and Tom, two homophobic bullies who bully anyone and everything in their way. I just glared at both of them and sat down at my desk. I wasn’t paying attention to anything in class all I was thinking about was that handsome black boy I had seen at the gate.
When it was lunchtime, I went to the school hallway, which was crowded as usual, just the way I hated it. I heard a loud thumping sound from one of the lookers far off me. I ran there as fast as I could and I saw the handsome black boy on the ground, passed out with blood dripping from his nose.
Every time I saw injustice or bullying, I felt like transforming into a werewolf and going insane on the oppressor. I saw Jack and Tom run off. I felt like chasing them but I couldn’t just leave a cute boy lying helplessly on the ground. At that moment I vowed to avenge the poor boy. I got some water from my bag and I sprayed it on the poor fellow. Suddenly he slowly opened his eyes.
Tell us: What do you think about the homophobic bullies?