
After leaving Javier, I arrived home, ate dinner, showered and slept. The following morning, I woke up very early to prepare for school, also to prep and prim myself. I undid my braids and combed my hair upwards. I had a big and bouncy afro at that time. I dressed in black from head to toe. Ken and Roxy were still asleep, so I left a note on the table just in case they worried about my whereabouts.

After leaving the house, I took a deep breath of the cold and fresh air outside. I walked past the houses in the street, and when I looked around and saw Javier, I felt like he was waiting there for me.

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said.

“Neither was I,” I responded.

Suddenly, Javier smiled and held my hand tightly. “Today we’re going to school together,” Javier said.

“No way,” I responded shyly.

“Yes way!” Javier shouted with a smile, and it was a smile I simply could not resist.

The shortest way to school was across the park, so we walked there while holding hands. The morning was quite chilly and the park was almost empty, except for a few men jogging and minding their own business. When we neared the school, we immediately let go of each of each other’s hands and acted calm. Javier then winked and waved at me and I smiled and did the same.

After school, I went straight to Javier’s place. I was beginning to like his room, but not as much as the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at me. He walked in with two glasses of juice and two sandwiches. He then handed me a glass and one sandwich and we chowed down.

“What do you want to do?” Javier asked.

“We could watch a movie, I’m quite knackered,” I responded.

“Right then,” he said with a smile big enough to make my heart melt.

I really did not want to watch any movie, but I just wanted to be close to him. As the movie started, I slowly moved closer to him until my head rested on his shoulders. He really did not mind, and I felt safe from harm.

As soon we began kissing, Javier pulled back. When the movie was over, it was very dark outside, and the moon was up high in the sky. On seeing the moonlight, Javier offered to walk me out the door. As we walked, I could not help but stare at his big and puffy muscles, bright eyes, and moustache. I am not bluffing when I say he was the total package.

As I walked along the sidewalk heading home, I heard some rustling behind the thick mulberry bush behind me. I did not mind it, although I have to admit that I felt my stomach drop when I heard it. I picked up the pace a little. Soon, I heard fast-paced, quiet footsteps behind me. When that happened, only one word etched through the back of mind: Run! So, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. When I looked back, I could not quite make out what I was seeing clearly. It was some dark hooded figure, and it was carrying a thick log.

I wondered who the person could be, and what he wanted. “Stop following me! Stop it I say!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Even as I yelled, the pace of the figure grew ever faster. As I was about to shout for help, I felt a strong and a sturdy thing hit the back of my head, followed by a sharp ping in my ears. I then blacked out.


Tell us: Who do you think might be the person stalking Likumbi?