
That day was magical! I was finally going to do it! I was going to tell Likumbi how I felt! I could not possibly tell him at school. Knowing teenagers, they would be all over, us and I did not like too much attention. As a result, I came up with a mighty genius plan:

Step one: invite Likumbi over for afterschool studies. Step two: suggest something fun to do, like watching a movie. Step three: right in the middle of the movie, I tell him. Step four: we all become happy, and we watch the rest of the movie.

I was as nervous as an elephant in a Tutu that day, but I was going to do it anyway. The big day had arrived, and it was time for me to put my plan into action.

At school, I did something that landed me in the detention zone. I did not worry because I knew I was there hoping to see Likumbi. In the detention zone, seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, but there was still no Likumbi. I was going to die anytime soon, but just before I lost all my hope, an angry Likumbi burst onto the scene.

“You are never going to steal things from my bag ever again!” he shouted while shaking his fist at someone. He then turned back and sat next to me.

“So, what was that all about?” I asked.

“It was that stupid Tom, he stole one of my text books,” Likumbi responded. “But it’s all settled now.”

“Great! Likumbi, I’ve wanted to ask you something,” I said, and at that moment, I felt my throat stiffen. I began swallowing hard, and it was like I had turned on a ticking time bomb.

Likumbi nodded.

“Would you like to come to my place for afterschool studies?” I finally asked.

“That’d be great!” Likumbi responded, and I felt a large weight lifted off my shoulders.


Later that day, while we were in the middle of watching “Birds of Prey”, and the fantabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn, Likumbi moved a little closer to me. I then moved closer to him, looked at his hair and eyes, and smiled as he watched the movie completely unaware of my observing eyes. I leaned in and kissed him. I then pulled back and laughed coyly, but he then grabbed my collar and pulled me in for a kiss too, a very long one.

“So do you feel the same?” I asked.

“Yes,” he responded, and then stroked my moustache.

I did not even have to go through all the four steps! That little Javier in me was screaming like crazy. Likumbi took out a small piece of yellow folded paper and gave it to me to read only when he walked away. I loved that hot babe!

Later that day, after I walked Likumbi home, he waved goodbye, smiled, and walked away. I then opened the little crumbled-up piece of paper, and his handwriting was to die for:

“I think you’re really hot, XOXO,” the note said, and Likumbi had me head over heels.

I then ran to him while loudly calling out his name. The wind was smashing against my hair and face, and when he turned back, I came to a sudden halt. I then held his hand tightly and kissed him. Words could not express what I felt for that handsome young man. It was like I had known him for a million lifetimes.


Tell us: What do you think is going to happen next?