
On my first day of school, I ended up being in detention for not participating in class. How was I supposed to know I was supposed to contribute anything? I was just sitting there, observing everything and stroking my moustache, and then boom, detention zone for me.

It was getting very chilly by break time, so I took out the jersey that my grandmother had knitted for me. It was black at the top, white on the middle, and black at the bottom again. My aunt made me carry a little blanket in case it became even colder, but it was quite embarrassing, I should say. What would the other kids think of me carrying a blanket? I shoved it at the bottom of my bag so no one could see it.

I walked into the detention zone and met some snobby girl with anger issues. She yelled and yelled like a little psychotic goat, so I rolled my eyes at her and walked past her. I looked around for a place to sit, and I saw a cute guy with braided hair. It was like looking at cherry-gum-drop. He was very hot and sexy!

You probably guessed it: I am gay. Yes I am. I just had not come out of the closet yet.

The guy was sitting in the corner with his face against the wall, and he was shivering. I wanted to figure out what was wrong with him, so I tapped on his shoulder, but he gave me no response. I tapped him again, and there was still no response.



I braced myself and turned around. When I did, I laid my eyes on the most handsome being I had ever seen! His features looked so perfectly chiselled. His dark hair was silky smooth, his hazel eyes were like two deep pools, and he had a little moustache that made him look kind of like Adolf Hitler. It was so cute!

Like an electric impulse had hit me, I smiled and my heart began beating very fast. I had just seen an angel, and I wondered if I was dreaming, or if I was in some kind of paradise.

“Hey, can I sit next to you?” the guy asked. He had a low, deep, and husky voice, and it was to die for!

I nodded.

“So uh, what’s your name?” he asked while making himself comfortable.

“It’s Likumbi,” I responded, trying not to blush.

“What a lovely name! My name is Javier,’ he said. “Likumbi, are you feeling alright? I noticed you were shivering.”

“Well I am feeling a little cold,” I responded.

“I have a small blanket here with me. My Aunt made me carry it. I know what you’re thinking,” he said with a titter. “Want to share?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” I responded.

Soon after Javier and I shared the blanket, we started talking and laughing. He had a very cool vibe. He could not stop touching my hair, but I was honestly kind of enjoying it. He even let me put my head on his chest. Thank-goodness no one was watching us.

Javier was the best thing that happened to me during detention. It was cold, he was warm, and we were sharing a blanket, that was the kind of thing I had been dreaming of!


Tell us: Do you think love at first site is possible?