We arrived at the club.

“Whooah, so many people? Is it a win free lottery day?” I asked as I giggled and she laughed too.

“I know it’s your first time in a place like this, but babe don’t blow up your date please,” I just nodded, remembering all the dates I ruined. We went to the bartender and I got myself litchi juice while Kaya drank Royalty wine.

As I took another sip of my juice I saw this hot guy from our school heading towards the bartender, and he bit his lower lip. Then he was heading towards us, no me? He’s probably here to catch a drink, I thought.

“Hey there,” he said.

Oh no, he had a dimple on his left cheek.

“Hi…Hi,” I struggled and he smiled.

“You are Alisha right?” he asked. So he knows my name? I never imagined that. He was the kind of agro type, often alone type with an attitude. I wondered why he was being so nice. “You know Cas right? He’s right there,” he said pointing at a guy sitting with some short guy.

Oh crap! “Thank you,” I said, disappointed.

The only reason he was kind was because his friend liked me. I mean of course he never even noticed me at school.

I remember I was on my way to class and I was 15 minutes late. I ran as fast as I could and the hot boy was running from my left side and we bumped into each other and I fell down. My books were scattered all over the place and I was annoyed. He offered his hand to help me get up but I refused. “It’s not my fault you didn’t look at the other sides of the hall, Mr President’s daughter.” He had said and left. That was my only encounter with Mr Hot.

I headed straight to where Cas and Mr Short were.

“Uhm, hi,” I greeted. He greeted back and we talked about stuff with Mr Short on the side. Oh no what had I gotten myself into? Don’t get me wrong but I thought the date was about the two of us not three. I thought we wanted to get to know each other better and bond. I thought we would talk about everything and share our previous relationships but no he was busy with male stuff, giving his friend more attention than me.

“I gotta go,” I snapped.

“But I’m still having a good time, aren’t you, Chris?” said Cas.

“You guys are but I’m not,” I said.

Then the agro master from our school, the same boy who bumped into me and called me Mr President’s daughter came over.

“Hey Jed, you leaving?” asked Cas.

“Yeah, you know this ain’t my thing,” he answered with a smirk. “So she your bae?” Jed asked. Yeah the guy’s name was Jed.

“No, nothing like that,” Cas answered. “She needs a ride home, mind going with her? I’ll be sleeping over at Chris’s house tonight. You can both go together right?”

I nodded and left with Jed.

When we were in the car there was this weird silence with only a few gazes. I only realised he had shiny blue eyes when we were at a petrol station and he was under the light. His eyes were so cute, they looked like a galaxy that protects the planet earth. His eyes looked exactly like that when you looked deeper into them.

He asked if I was hungry and I nodded. He bought me a King Pie and came straight back to the car. That’s when the conversation took place, and I mean a serious conversation.

“So you like my cousin?” he asked.

“Cousin? I don’t know any of your cousins, besides I only heard your name tonight,” I replied with confusion.

“Oh! Are you kidding me? You didn’t know the most popular guy from your school? And for the record, Cas is my cousin. I want to know if you enjoyed his so called ‘threesome’ date,” he replied with a smirk.

“Well it wasn’t really what I thought it would be,” I replied honesty.

“So now you’re ready for a real date?”

“And what would make you think I’d wanna go out with you?” I asked.

“Coz, I’m hot,”

I smiled and didn’t answer. The boy had a point; he was hot.


Tell us what you think: Would you go out with someone who asked you out like that? Why? Why not?