Without doubt, I woke up violently she stays not far from home, unlucky enough she was not at home.

She was a slim girl in her early teens, so dark and almost hairy, so short and too clever. I violently moved out from where I was sleeping with an aim to slap her. I wasn’t sure whether she had said it or not. I couldn’t reprimanded my thinking and I believed she was the one.

“Hi! Would you please come here?” I said. It was my first time calling her, my anger grew much bigger upon seeing her face. I wished to teach her a lesson.

“Do you know my name?”

“Of course I do, you are Rowland,”

“And what am I capable of doing?”

“I’m not sure what you are saying,”

“Alright, I’m told that you damaged somewhere, why did you do that?

She fell in my trap and I was now certain that she did it.

“No Rowland, you were to ask me everything and I was to tell you,” she said. “I called Wigget and I asked if you were looking for her and she agreed, then I said, ‘don’t allow him because he is dating my best friend Grace’ and I didn’t want this to affect grace,” she said.

“It is none of your business,” I said. Next time be careful.

She explained to me everything. I was at ease and she told me that Grace wanted to end our relationship, referring to me as a whore that pained me a lot.

I was almost recovering when Isaac, my friend wanted me to escort him, I accepted. I had no power to walk and I forced myself to walk. Later on I saw Grace and I called her, she came without hesitation.

“Yes Grace, I missed you and I wanted to see you,” I said.

“How many of us will you be seeing? I’m told that you are dating Wigget”

I was in shock and I didn’t say anything. Ironically, that was the truth but my date with Wigget wasn’t complete yet. It had been almost four months chasing her but she said I should keep on waiting. I explained everything to Wigget and she was shocked, she never expected that but still insisted that she loved me and that she demanded to be given a few days.

Wigget meant a lot to me and I can’t explain my love to her. The night turned into days, I had a sleepless nights and I couldn’t stop thinking of her words.

“Spare me out! I’m not doing that,” I was left in agony.

My four months had yielded nothing. I was indeed restless. I thought I was dreaming but absolutely I was daydreaming that Wigget could be the love of my life. But it wasn’t meant to be.


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