So, I paid Philani a visit at his home to talk with him about Morena.

“Sihle, I don’t love Morena, and it was you who was saying that I must reject Morena and take Ziyanda. If Ziyanda heard that I’m planning to get back with Morena, that would hurt her,” said Philani.

“OK Philani. It’s fine. If you don’t want Morena back, I won’t force you,” I said with a big smile.

So I made a call to Morena. “Hey babes!” I greeted.

“Hello my Simo,” she replied.

“Babes I’ve tried to talk with Philani, but he doesn’t want anything to do with you. He also told me to tell you that he had already moved on, so you must also do so.” I said.

“No it can’t be, Sihle! You must try another plan, because I can’t live without him. He’s my everything!” said Morena sadly.

This conversation confused me, so I came up with a plan. “OK babes, there’s a medicine called bheka mina ngedwa. This medicine will make the one you love focus on you only, so I think we must use it,” I said.

“Sihle, bring this medicine. I really need it!” said Morena.

Ha! She left me with no choice, so I lied again. “Morena this medicine is strong. If you really want it, you must cut yourself and give me your blood.”

“No, no, no! I can’t cut myself. Sihle, you’ve tried your best! I love you Sihle, so let Philani carry on with his life,” said Morena.

My life that day changed. I realised that Morena was the one who could change and control my life. “Morena, I promise you that no one will hurt you again. Promise me you will never leave me alone,” I asked.

“Yes, Sihle. I promise you I won’t leave you alone. We must date privately for now and I’ll tell you when I’m ready to go public with you. Don’t ever tell your friends about us, especially Avela,” said Morena.

I agreed. So another week started and we were still keeping our love private.

One day, Morena faced me. “Why? Why Sihle?” asked Morena angrily.

“Why what? Morena?” I asked confused.

“Why did you tell Avela about us?” asked Morena.

“I didn’t tell him. He was asking what’s going on between us, and I told him it’s complicated only,” I replied, panicking.

“Don’t ever try fool me Sihle! Avela told me everything you’ve told him,” shouted Morena.

That day I told myself: Never trust a human being; only trust a stone. Don’t ever say you have a best friend.

“Sihle, I don’t think this thing between us will work, so our journey ends here. It’s over Sihle because you don’t deserve my love. Goodbye Sihle!” said Morena with tears in her eyes.

“No Morena, it can’t be. After all I’ve been through for you, that’s all you can say. It’s over?” I asked, depressed.

“If you want money, Sihle, I can give you money because it is not a problem for me, but I won’t change my mind,” said Morena.

“I don’t need your money, mahlophe, I just want you back. What about our name, Simo?” I asked.

“What I can tell you, Sihle, is to forget about me and move on with your life, because I have moved on with Avela, so you must break the name apart,” said Morena.

“Avela!!! The only one?” I asked.

“Yes, Avela. Your friend. Avela understands me. By the way, there’s no other chance you’ll get back together with me,” said Morena.

I remembered what my grandfather taught me while I was still a kid. He said: “Never hurt the heart of the one you love,” but I was so busy taking care of that heart, I never noticed my own was bleeding.

I won’t give up on Morena. I will do everything I can to show her that I really need her in my life. Maybe one day she will see that I was serious when I was saying that I needed her in my life, but she can come back to me because she’ll always own a piece of my heart.


Tell us: Sihle is obviously too blind to see that Morena is playing with him. What would you do if you were him?