Masekoala is 18 years old. She’s gorgeous beyond measure: well-built and curvaceous. With her light-velvet skin without makeup, her big-brown eyes without fake eyelashes and her soft-wet lips without lip gloss, botle ba hae [her beauty glows]. She has natural hair; she doesn’t have to work hard to improve or maintain it. She only needs to cut it short in the barbershop, which she enjoys. Without doubt, her beauty is the natural beauty of a Mosotho woman at its best.

Masekoala finds it hard to resist the temptation of utilising her God-given talent: her beauty. She’s extremely carried away by the fact that most people call her sematsatsa [a beautiful woman] in Lesotho. The way she moves leaves the majority of young boys taken aback when she passes by. They just stick their tongues out and ebe ba lutlisa mathe [salivate] until she disappears into thin air. They never stop talking about her in their conversations. Everyone is extremely attracted by her charismatic look and figure.

In their talks, fights often ensue amongst them. Everyone claims to date Masekoala. But the truth is, no one is courageous enough to flirt with her leha ba khahluoe hakaalo [though they’re attracted to her]. Bosiu le mots’eare [Day and night] they dream about her. But how long will they keep fighting over her? And how long will they take before telling her what’s bothering them?

At present, Masekoala is the daily topic amongst young boys in the village of Phaphama. Ba hlolletsoe ke botle bo bokaalo [They are so overwhelmed by such a beauty]. This kind of unusual feeling they have developed for her is beginning to unrest them. But they lack courage to approach her and tell her what’s bothering them. They begin to act strangely. They stand beside the roads to tease her every time she passes; she feels flabbergasted and offended by their actions. She’s wondering why they behave this way because no one has ever confronted her in a one-on-one situation to tell her their problem, if there is any.


Tell us: Do you think they have an obsession with her beauty?