Amy was a very smart, polite, sensitive, kind and humorous girl, whilst Edith was a generous, dedicated, and smart girl. After crying, the girls went to the lobby, washed their faces, then went to the classroom because the siren had rung. In class, while the two best friends were waiting to be taught, they got informed that their Mathematics Literacy teacher would not be making it to class. Edith went to sit with Amy, who was about to prick herself with a needle that she kept for her “emergencies”.

“I thought we had spoken about this Amy,” Edith said. “Hurting yourself won’t make your pain go away, it will only make things worse.”

“But friend, when I do this, I feel a lot more alive. I’m so tired of existing and living, do you get what I mean?’ Amy said. “And I asked you a question but you still haven’t answered me,” she continued while poking Edith’s shoulder.

“Ouch, that hurts,” Edith cried in pain.

“Yeah, that serves you right,’ Amy teased. “Now tell me, will we?” she question her friend again.

“Amy, what happened to us?” Edith asked. “We didn’t ask for this nor sign up for it, but it happened. Now, all we need to do is accept the reality and deal with the consequences that come with it.”

“Are you telling me that we have to accept that our mothers are self-centred, arrogant, and immature women that care less about their one and only daughters?” Amy asked. “Are we supposed to accept that we got raped for a maximum of 8 years by both our step fathers, the same ones that should be protecting us? The same ones that should be our light, not our darkness? Huh?! Should I accept that, Edith?’ While she was talking, her tone become shakier.

“That’s not what I’m saying friend,” Edith responded. “All I’m tryn’a say is that we should focus on our books right now more than ever, mainly because this is our last year in high school and we need to attain our grade 12.”

Instead of answering, Edith remained quiet for a while, but then responded.

“I can’t believe it’s almost 14:30pm and I’ll be at home again with Ignite,” Edith said. “I’m certain mom is still at work, and I don’t even know why I’m saying “home, home.” That ain’t a home, it’s where I just go to eat, bath and sleep. It’s more like a rented house.”

“I’ll go with you to your home, so don’t worry,” Amy volunteered.

“NO Amy, don’t. I’ll be fine, I promise,” Edith told Amy.

“I was not asking for your permission, sister,” Amy said. “Illicit will be there too, and don’t forget, when I am with you, you won’t have to worry about those atrocious men taking turns with you alone, OK? I’ll be there with you.”

“I won’t say thank you for doing this Amy, mainly because there’s nothing good about this thing,” Edith said.

“No need to friend,” Amy said, winking.

“What are you up to, Amy?’ Edith curiously asked.

“Let’s just say the Man upstairs answers prayers after all,” Amy said, shrugging.

While the girls were talking, the siren went off, and it was time to go home.

“Matric dance is knocking friend,” Amy said, jumping up and down.

“Oh, now you’re excited about the matric dance? Amy, are you alright?” Edith said while putting her hand on Amy’s forehead to examine her temperature. “I’m so tired, we walked to school this morning, so I was thinking of catching a bus home, what do you think?”

“Ugh! I forgot my bus ticket home,” Amy annoyingly growled. ‘How about we walk …’

Before Amy could finish her statement, Edith cut her off. “Ooooh Amy, walking back home? I’m as tired as a sloth, so how about we catch a taxi instead?’ she suggested.

When Edith was done, Amy teasingly smacked her butt. “That’s exactly what I was gonna say Eddy, bet then you cut me off.”


Tell us: What do you think Amy is planning to do?