Arden and Zoe both wake up at the same time and when they do, words would not be able to express their horror. Every inch of the room is covered in yellowing newspaper articles, all of them containing their photos.

Arden feels all the blood draining out of her face and rushing towards her heart. She cannot comprehend why her pictures are in the newspaper with Joffrey, until she starts reading their headlines:

Teenager Murders Family

Twin Sisters Only Two Survivors

One year After Family Murder, Twins (Hazel and Hailey Kingsley) Adopted by Separate Families.

Slowly the realization sinks in and all the puzzle pieces start to fit together for Arden. She remembers asking her mother for pictures of when she was born, and her mother telling her that all those pictures had been lost when they had moved. As mammoth of a shock as it is for Arden, it was proving more painful of a task for Zoe to accept what she was reading. Zoe was looking at a picture of the teenage boy and she begins to become conscious of the same angular face, the same dimple on his left cheek and more importantly, the same brown hair as her and Arden; Joffrey is their brother!

“No, this can’t be happening. This can’t be real!” Zoe shrieks. She blocks out the four concrete walls around her as she recedes into herself. She stays that way for hours, until sleep overtakes her.

Later, Zoe awakens to find Arden staring at her.

“Why don’t you take a picture? It will last longer!” she snaps.

Arden quickly looks away in embarrassment and says quietly: “I’m sorry. I just can’t believe you’re my sister.”

“Twin sister,” says Zoe as she tries to mask her guilt. She is not used to snapping at people. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I’m having a hard time accepting all of this.”

Arden is silent; she understands exactly how Zoe is feeling. In the space of a few days, they have been kidnapped, they have found out that they were adopted, that they were twin sisters, and that they have a brother who had murdered their biological parents and grandparents.

While letting it all sink in, Arden and Zoe take a moment to survey each other. They both have oval faces with the same arrangement of features. The only difference was that Arden’s eyes are bright green while Zoe’s are hazel.

“Have you ever suspected that you might be adopted?” Arden is curious as she asks Zoe.

“Never! Well, I’ve always found it strange that out of my four other siblings, I am the only one with hazel eyes. Did you ever suspect it?” Zoe examines Arden’s face as she asks the question. She can see the disappointment and grief painted on Arden’s face and already knows the answer before she hears it.

Arden glances off into a ray of light, recalling her childhood as she answers: “No, and I can’t believe that my parents have lied to me my entire life. I feel so betrayed.”

She gets up and starts to pace around the room, “Well, there’s no time to think about that now. We have to figure out how to get out of here.”

Zoe looks around at all the articles and starts reading. “Joffrey murdered our parents and grandparents. He shot them.”

Arden speaks: “Of all the possible brothers we could have, how did we end up with a psychopath?” She glances around the room and shakes her head. “There has to be some clue in those articles about why he’s doing this.”

Zoe picks up an article and reads the last line out loud, “Psychiatrists were unable to pinpoint the exact cause that resulted in the Kingsley family tragedy; however they did state general psychosis for the reason that Joffrey Kingsley shot his parents and grandparents at point-blank range.”

Just as Zoe finishes her sentence, they hear the key in the lock and the door creaking open. Zoe runs to Arden and clutches her tightly.

“I am back my lovelies; I see you’ve discovered our little secret,” he says with a Cheshire cat grin. “Aren’t you glad to have your big brother back in your life?”

Arden backs away slowly. Zoe is still holding onto her and it is making it difficult to move.

“Now, now! Where do you think you’re going?” he says as he takes baby steps towards them. “It’s time for one final family photo-shoot.”

Arden and Zoe notice the Polaroid camera that Joffrey is carrying; they also notice that he has groomed himself. Gone is the stubble and messy locks. He has also changed into a black suit that looks as if it was tailor-made for a funeral.

He addresses them: “Hazel, you’re first. Let’s get you cleaned up!” He steps over to them and Arden might have done something if she hadn’t noticed the gleam of the blade that he holds in his hand. She knows that he is capable of anything.

He grabs Zoe and restrains her before making his way to Arden. Arden tries to run but he predicts her actions and overpowers her. He sits her down on the chair he has brought with him and begins to brush through her hair. He paints her lips a bright red and wings out her eyeliner like a pro. While he applies her makeup, Zoe examines his face. She can see that all the harsh lines on his face have been perfected and he has a slight artificial pink tint to his lips.

Joffrey looks at her as he speaks. “You see Hazel, this is what I was born to do. Unfortunately one day when I had transformed my face into a beautiful canvas, our father walked into the room and he did not like it in the slightest.” He rubs his arm, where Zoe notices the remnants of scars.

“I thought mother would stand up for me, but she was a coward of a woman, always hiding behind the opinions of our grandparents and our father. They were all cowards who could never appreciate the beauty of what I do.”

He repeats the makeup process with Zoe and makes them stand together while he photographs them. He starts sweating profusely and it is obvious that he cannot contain his excitement.

“Hazel and Hailey, it has been a pleasure meeting you again and catching up, but alas all good things must come to an end,” as he speaks he walks to the door. Before leaving, he turns around and gives them another smile that shows his yellowing teeth. Arden and Zoe can feel the atmosphere in the room being shrouded by his menacing presence and they dread the next time they have to face him.


Tell us what you think: Why do you think he is holding them captive? Is he going to kill them too?