Miranda was born deaf. She couldn’t hear but she could see and feel. She wasn’t beautiful and neither was she pretty, she was gorgeous. She had brown eyes that looked teary and were the shape of diamonds. They were pure and innocent. She had cute dimples, pink lips and a perfect body.

She was three years when she lost her parents. After they died she had to go and live with her relatives. Life wasn’t sweet; she was ill-treated. She couldn’t hear what they were saying about her but she could feel.

Her new family didn’t understand her because she was living in her own world. They didn’t understand the language she was speaking. Her evil aunt often got annoyed and would throw anything at her because she couldn’t hear or talk. Sometimes she would sleep on an empty stomach. Nobody cared about her.

Nobody knew her pain.

“You got that beauty of yours for nothing. You are useless but you have everything I need. A perfect body, perfect face, sometimes life isn’t fair!” Anandi, her cousin often said.

One day Miranda decided to run away from home, she couldn’t do it anymore.

She found herself in the city and knew no one. She didn’t know what to do.

“Hey! Are you lost?” A friendly voice said.

Poor Miranda, she couldn’t hear the lady and she couldn’t speak to ask for help. The lady repeated her words but Mira didn’t reply. Then the lady tapped her on the shoulder and Miranda turned to her. She spoke sign language but the poor lady couldn’t understand.

“You are so pretty my girl. It’s a pity that you don’t speak and I can’t help you.” The lady said. “But maybe God gave you to me,” the kind lady said. She then signalled for food by putting her hand in her mouth in an eating signals. Miranda nodded. The lady signalled that Miranda go with her. Miranda followed.

As the we’re walking on foot to the ladies house, they passed some boys on the street. When they saw her they started cheering and whispering. Miranda knew she was beautiful. She would look at herself in the mirror and study herself. She could speak to the heart, only her and God knew what she was saying.

The lady took Miranda in and she stayed there. She found a mommy who loved her unconditionally. Life was bright again.


Tell us: What do you think will happen next?