Ashley woke up in hospital. He was surrounded by his loved ones. Nkele and Damon were with him there.

“Ash, you had us all scared. I thought you wouldn’t make it bro,” Damon said gratefully.

“I was also scared, don’t ever do this to us again please,” said Nkele.

“I’m not as weak as I look. I’m going to be fine,” Ashley confidently replied.

“You should lay charges again whoever did this,” said Damon.

“Day, I know who did this to me and why,” he said. “It was Michael and his goon”.

“What, he beat you up? Is this about that girl, man?” asked Damon.

“Yes, they wanted me to see her out. I couldn’t, man, I had to let them beat me rather than let them kill her.”

“Ashley, they could have killed you. For what? You have to get out of this before they actually kill you,” Nkele said. Her voice shook with fear.

“I’m not like you . I don’t run away from people I love,” said Ashley.

“You want to die because of a stranger?” asked Damon.

“You know what they say Day, love is a blessing and a curse. I’m not going to quit on her this quickly.”

Days went by after the attack. Michael and Sparks cooled down a bit to cover their tracks. The situation surrounding Ashley landed on the ears of many people, including his new lover Vinolia.

She went to the hospital to check on him and how he’s doing. Both their faces lit up as they saw each other.

Silently cuddled up to him on the bed. She looked so tired.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you. The minute I heard I wanted to come but I couldn’t,” said Vinolia, feeling guilty. “What happened to you?”.

“You happened to me, Vinolia. They did this because of you. They wanted me to rat you out. I couldn’t,” said Ashley.

“You took a beating for me? Ashley you truly love me that much?” she was flattered.

“Vino, this is getting out of hand. Why don’t you just give the information to the police to arrest this guy?” asked Ashley.

“I can’t, this is the only thread my life is hanging on. Without that USB I’m as good dead.”

“If you don’t use it, what will happen to us? This guy is possessed,” said Ashley.

“I could give it to the policeman Sedima. He seems trustworthy. But most of the police work with Michael. So if we want him out of the picture we have to do it ourselves,” said Vinolia.

“What do you mean?” Ashley felt confused.

“I mean we have to kill him.”

“Kill him, as in shoot him dead? I’m not a killer Vinolia!” He said firmly.

“I don’t see any other way. It’s either us or him. Ashley, I’ve got a perfect plan. We’ll use me as bait to set him up. Then you kill him,” said Vinolia.

She took out a gun. “This is what you need Ashley. Do you love me enough to kill for me?”

Michael’s wait for Ashley seemed not be paying off. He didn’t get the answers he wanted. He now had had enough.

“Sparks, it seems as if our little visit didn’t rattle Ashley’s cage. We have to do something drastic for him to understand we mean business.”

“Like what, boss? We could set his house on fire,” suggested Sparks.

“Don’t be stupid, the guy put his life on the line for Vinolia. Burning his house wouldn’t make him talk. We need to have a hold over him like he does us,” said Michael.

“What about his family? We could abduct his kids, or even better his wife.”

“I don’t think he has any kids. So we have to kidnap his wife, I’m pretty sure he’ll be singing like a bird to save her,” replied Michael.

“But sir, rumour has it that there is trouble in paradise in their marriage,” said Sparks.

“Sparks, never underestimate love. The fact that people are fighting doesn’t mean they love each other less. Besides if he doesn’t cooperate surely we can frame him for his wife’s murder?” Replied Michael.


Tell us: Do you agree with Michael?