Damon told Ashley everything that had happened when Nkele was taken hostage. It was only then that Ashley realized the seriousness of this situation.

“Ash, I’m tired of people ducking this. I’m going to the cops,” said Damon.

“It’s not going to help us anyway. The police work for him, so it will just be a waste,” said Ashley.

“Ashley, you have to do something. Nkele has got nothing to do with this.”

“They want me to hand over Vinolia in exchange for Nkele. I don’t know what to do.”

“Ash, I don’t know what you should do now. But you have to ask yourself, will you be able to live with the guilt of Nkele dying in this mess?” Damon asked, guilt-tripping Ashley.

“I don’t think I could live with it.” Ashley nearly broke into tears.

“I love Nkele unconditionally. She is the love of my life, I wish I took her back when she resurfaced.”

“What about Vinolia?” Damon asked.

“I can’t choose between them. I just found her, I never felt as strongly about a woman as I do about Vinolia.” He fell quiet for a while. “But if I have to choose, I will.”

Ashley went back to the drawing board. He claimed to have made a choice but could he live with the consequences?

Vinolia stood her ground as Ashley was parading around.

“Ashley, stop doing that. It won’t help anyway. We need to find a solution,” said Vinolia, feeling annoyed.

“There’s no other way, Nkele is innocent. She has to be saved by any means necessary.”

“I know, that is why I wanted us to meet. I have thought about involving a cop by the name of Sedima,” said Vinolia.

“Will this Sedima arrest Michael immediately after the handover?” Ashley asked, lacking confidence.

“He’ll just investigate for evidence. Let’s do it, baby, we will come out smelling like roses.” She hugged him, cuddled on his chest.

He sat motionless.

“Are you okay?” She felt a bit scared by staring at his cold eyes.

“Forget about the cops, we are going for plan B.”

“You mean killing him?” Vinolia asked in surprise.

He folded his fist and clenched his teeth “Yes, I mean it’s time we take him out for good. Nobody messes with my woman and gets away with it.”

“So you are still in love with Nkele,” she said jealously.

“It’s time to go,” he said avoiding having to answer.

He got in the car as Vinolia followed him in. It seems as though plan B would put an end to this thing once and for all.

It was around five o’clock in the evening when Ashley called Michael.

“Ashley. I expected this call sooner rather than later,” Michael said confidently.

“Yeah, I have Vinolia with me now. So we can meet up,” said Ashley.

“I’m not convinced by any of this. You have to provide physical proof.”

“Okay I will, you’ll also have to provide physical proof that Nkele is not harmed,” demanded Ashley.

“You are in no position to make demands.”

“I may not, but if you get want you want then I also get what I want. My wife in exchange for your ex.”

Later after the call, Ashley tied Vinolia on a chair, then he skyped to Michael only to see the same thing had been done to his wife.

“It looks like you mean business Mr Maseko,” Michael said, surprised.

“Hopefully, you didn’t touch her you bastard. Nkele are you okay?” asked Ashley.

“You need to help me please Ashley. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Nkele cried out.

“Ashley, now you listen carefully. No police, you don’t involve any third force. Any sign of the police and your wife is the first to die,” Michael warned.

“You won’t get away with this,” said Vinolia.

“Shut up man.” Ashley turned and slapped Vinolia. It took her by surprise. Michael laughed at the pleasure of hurting her.

“Just promise me that when all this is said and done, my wife will be safe,” Ashley said.

“That’s up to you Ashley. Meet me at the old Casino on 5th street. In 30 minutes,” said Michael.


Tell us: Do you think Ashley regrets being involved with Vinolia?