When Sarah and I started dating, it took a while for me to adapt to the whole ‘serious relationship’ gig. She said that we could only be together if I vowed to give the life of a player up, which was no easy task for me. I ended up cheating on her a couple of times.

At the time, she was none-the-wiser, but when she found out, she was so hurt, screaming and crying. I knew what I did was wrong, but I’d never had someone love me like she did. Growing up with a drunkard, rolling stone for a father and a frequently absent mother, my grandmother made sure that I knew I was a burden to her, both financially and otherwise.

Sarah would often visit me in my home, bringing treats that she’d baked herself to deck my grandmother’s table with. Even the old hag liked her, asking me time and again where that ‘nice girlfriend’ of mine was.

I didn’t know how to receive the kind of love she’d put on the table.

After about a month of my begging, pleading and promising her I’d changed my ways, Sarah eventually forgave me and decided to take me back.

Losing her nearly killed me. I’d never felt the way I felt about her for anyone else, a selfless kind of affection where I’d always put her needs above my own.

Of course it wasn’t easy for her to trust me again after I’d so viciously broken her trust. And I often longed for the purity and innocent simplicity our love had before I squandered it. But as long as she was with me, I was prepared to gain her trust and favour in whichever way I could.

After about a year of us dating, she finally decided to introduce me to her family members, father included. I knew what a close-knit family they were as she had often told me about her them. Her two younger siblings, whom she loved to play silly childish games with, her sickly mother and her over-protective dad who loved her wholeheartedly. I knew her hierarchy of importance: God, family, her education, me and lastly, her friends. If her family didn’t like me, I was certain she’d kick me to the curb.

As fate would have it, her dad hated me instantly. Probably sensing that I used to be a bit of a player, he warned his daughter against becoming serious with a ‘useless nobody’ like me. I was furious, but remained respectful towards her mother and siblings, nearly coming to blows with her old man, as he rushed upstairs to fetch his gun.

I had no choice but to leave. I felt kind of annoyed at Sarah for not defending me. But as I exited her home, I saw tears streaming down her cheeks, her father dragging her away from the front gate abruptly.

This was the end.

The very next day, I tried calling and texting her several times, all of which either went to voicemail or were blatantly ignored. She was going to dump me, I knew it.

After the third day of my constant calling, just as I was about to give up, Sarah appeared at my doorstep, luggage in hand. Her father had made her choose between me and the family and, upon her choosing our relationship, he kicked her out of her family home.

I was really scared, this was getting very serious. But I was so happy to see her that I simply grabbed her lasciviously and kissed her on the mouth.

“Run away with me.” I said, tears pricking my eyes.

“What?” She whispered.

“We’ve got nothing left for us here. My family is broken and yours was willing to throw you out, even though you’re an ‘A’ student who’s about to graduate Cum Laude. All we have is each other, babe. Elope with me, Sarah. Let’s get married. We’ll take care of each other, I promise.”

Tears flooded her cheeks once more.

“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” she shouted.

We married at Home Affairs the very next day.


Tell us what you think: Do you think people who cheat ever change?