“She married my brother, I am your uncle,” Scorpion announced.

I was shocked. I didn’t know my father’s side of the family but he had never mentioned having a brother, not even my mother. A loud bang from the door sounded with Zorro’s men coming in force and pointing guns at Scorpion’s guys.

Eintlik, yini le? Family reunion?” Zorro said making his “grand entrance”.

“I thought you killed him!” General said to Zorro.

Ngiyi twenty-eight mina. I don’t just die!” Scorpion said looking at Zorro.

Zorro had the same look as General when he saw Scorpion; he just looked fiercely into his eyes and couldn’t believe it.

“I thought I did! He is dead. I shot him. He was even buried.” Zorro said.

Unyile ke! This is the advantage of not fucking everyone you meet in the street; they will help you one day.” Scorpion said.

“You know what, fuck this; kill them!” General said to his men as they opened fire.

Right in the middle of everything we had to get to safety. I pulled Aya and hid behind the wall. My mother was dragged by Scorpion to the other wall before us. Scorpion’s men had been shot, so were Zorro’s men. But that didn’t prevent Zorro from continuing alone; firing back at General’s men.

There was finally silence, when everyone was reloading their guns. The doors opened and two grenades came flying towards General and his men.


Lwazi and Aya started screaming. Gun shots were fired and Zorro went down.

“Scorpion! Scorpion!” a voice called out.

“Yeah. I’m okay!” he responded.

After the dust settled I couldn’t believe it; Hughley was the one who threw the grenade and shot Zorro.

“Mr Hughley!” I said in shock.

“In the flesh, son!”

“But… How?” I asked, totally shocked.

“I warned Hughley about General coming to attack him; he was going to fake his own death. But your father was not supposed to be there.” Scorpion offered the explanation.

“But how did you know about the attack?” Lwazi jumped in, equally dismayed.

“Fancy Face your bodyguard! He worked for me,” Scorpion said.

“I’m confused! What’s going on here?” I asked.

“Well I used to own these streets. Your father, being all loyal, didn’t like what I was doing and cut ties with me. General and Zorro came along and tried to kill me but Hughley saved me after Zorro shot me. After Monica was killed, I knew it would separate General and Zorro. I used that to my advantage to get my revenge. I sent Fancy Face to be my ears and eyes.” Scorpion explained.

“What about at the career expo?” Lwazi asked.

“Those guys were just pawns looking for you. After your father killed their family members for your mother’s death, they came for revenge. It was never supposed to get this far! After they took Rebecca and Ayanda I just had to get out of my box. Chris was also too much attached to this girl I couldn’t touch her. Even after sending my guys to the car wash.” Scorpion said.

“Can we just leave this place, now?” I said feeling extremely exhausted.

Scorpion went to where General was lying dead and took the three bags. They were filled with cash as he was planning to leave the country after killing me, my family and Zorro. Scorpion took one bag and gave it to Lwazi.

“You have the potential to start a new life anywhere. Sorry about your father, but he gave me no choice.”

“I understand; he led to my mother’s killing, he deserved everything he got. My mom told me that I should not leave happiness behind,” Lwazi said as she looked at me.

We left the country and moved to Swaziland start over. Lwazi and I are officially together now.

Tell us what you think: Have you ever lost a loved one in a gang relating incident?