“Be my hero! Stand up for yourself!” Mrs. Msiska encouraged her husband with tears in her eyes.
“I can but… they will kill Yvonne,” he said regretfully.
“Why on earth would they kill her? Her life depends on her brother not you. I told you from the start that employing Yvonne was not a good idea,” she said.
“But Dennis Tonde was a good friend of ours since our secondary school days. Is it because he never made it in life that you hate him so much?” he asked.
“No!” she answered and paused.
“Wait, when you brought Yvonne to our home you said you brought her because Dennis had died. Why did you lie to me?” she remembered that version.
“I had to lie that he had been killed. That was the only way of keeping his chasers away from him. I did all that because I think I owe him,” he said and his face dropped.
“You owe him? What?” she was surprised.
“You! You were his girl when I impregnated you. It was unfair to him but he chose not to fight.”
“That’s one of the reasons I hate him! He is a coward. Now, he is using you to fight his battles.”
“I think you should distance yourself from this case. Also convince Temwa to stop her crazy detective work. I failed you guys. I don’t want to fail you again,” he said.
Miles away Yvonne heard the door opening slowly at midnight. The giant who had been guarding her, entered with a black hospital-like blanket.
“Madam, we need to leave,” he said in a whisper.
“Are you serious?” Yvonne asked, not sure whether to celebrate or fear the worst.
“Come.” He gave her the blanket and grabbed her hand easily. They passed through the door and were in a corridor that by then was super quiet. The giant stopped Yvonne and went alone to check the front door of the house then came back.
“Shhh! The guard is still there. Wait here,” he whispered as he tiptoed to a room on the far left end of the corridor.
In a minute, he was back with a fine black ladies’ suit and a hat.
“Put this on,” he said and she obeyed.
The two left and managed to go through the gate that was manned by two guards. When they got out, they found a car waiting for them outside and they jumped in and the driver started the engine.
“You know what miss, the guards did not question you because they thought you were the boss lady,” the giant told Yvonne who just smiled.
“The room I went in is her dressing room and this is her suit,” he continued.
“That house is her evil house. The place she either hosts people who get on her bad side or people who are her partners in crime.”
“Why did you choose to rescue me?” she asked curiously.
“I want the lady to taste her own medicine. She has been a very wicked boss. She doesn’t pay most of her helpless workers. She gets whatever she wants using bloodshed and oppression,” he paused and looked at her. “You said something that made me change my mind.”
“So, where are you taking me to?” she asked.
“To the police. I know the detective who is working on this case. He is an honest man. Promise me you won’t throw me under the bus,” he asked. Yvonne hesitated a bit.
“If you live up to your promises then I promise,” she said.
Early the next day, Detective Nospoh received a call from the giant and they met at his house.
Hours later, Temwa, Lynn and Tito were having coffee at Tito’s house. Lynn teased Tito for not making a move on Temwa. He confessed that as much as he used to like Temwa, he was afraid he could never have her.
“What do you mean?” Temwa was surprised.
“Because… Uhmm never mind,” he sounded scared.
“What?” Lynn asked.
“Never mind!” he shouted and left the room. Temwa and Lynn looked at each other, upset by Tito’s strange reactions.
Back to Detective Nospoh’s house, Yvonne and the giant testified in favour of Mr. Msiska. The Giant urged the detective to make a quick plan before his boss lady acted. Detective Nospoh asked the giant who his boss lady was.
“She is Jezebel. Most of her partners call her that but I don’t know her real name.”
“Can you drive me to her house?” the detective asked.
“It’s dangerous.” There was silence before he suggested, “I will call her and lie to her that I found Yvonne who tried to escape and I’m keeping her safe somewhere…but we need to make a deal that I won’t get arrested after this case,” he demanded.
By 3pm, the boss lady was in police cell and Mr. Msiska was released.
Temwa was called to the police to fetch his father.
Detective Nospoh asked her, “You want to know who the villain is?”
Once she saw the boss lady, her mouth opened, “You?”
Tell us: What do you think might happen to the giant for rescuing the victim?